Chapter 26

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Kakashi sighed as he stared out of the window. They had taken longer than he anticipated to get to the Hyuga mansion, but now that they were finally there, everyone was exhausted. Sadness gripped tightly at his heart as he stared out the window, unable to sleep.

He could not stop thinking of his own friends and students who had passed. He was deathly worried about Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata. Sasuke he knew would most likely be alright and would no doubt already be on his way back to them.

Naruto was determined, so he would be fine as well. Hinata, on the other hand, he had his doubts about. She would most likely get panicked and scared, unable to make necessary decisions and might already be dead. Of course, there still is the chance that they might be together, he honestly hoped for this more than anything.

Kakashi stared at nothing in particular as his thoughts wondered to his pink haired student. Sakura was admittedly a little annoying in the beginning, but she had grown into a compassionate, wonderful person. She had her own hopes and dreams, but she would never be able to fulfill them.

Gai had been so loud and honestly, very hyperactive for their age. They had been friends since they were mere children and Gai had always been there for him, even as he was slightly cold towards him in the beginning.

Gai had always been a warm, welcoming presence that often brought out the better in a person. But that was all gone now. Gai, Sakura, they were no more. They were dead. Dead.

Kakashi clenched his eyes shut as realization settled over him, freezing his heart. As he opened his eyes, a movement near the house next door caught his eye, though he shrugged it off. He was just tired, after all.

Naruto slowly stalked to his house, his hand trembling slightly as he reached towards the doorknob. The door made little to no sound as he pushed it open, stepping inside. Naruto stood still for a moment, listening carefully for any indication that someone or something was inside.

When all he was greeted with was silence, he casually walked into the house, deciding to get some supplies first. Naruto walked into the kitchen, opening cupboards and pulling random things out. Luckily, the sun had started to rise, so there was enough light in the kitchen for him to see what he was taking.

Naruto smiled as he grabbed the few cups of ramen they had out of one cupboard. Opening the fridge next, he quickly grabbed the few bottles of water out. Naruto nodded, proud of the amount of food he had gathered as he slid his backpack off, quietly packing everything into it.

Once finished, he hefted the backpack onto his shoulders before walking towards the stairs. Once at the top, he went to the bathroom, collecting a few medical supplies. Naruto looked at the photo's that hung on the wall as he walked to his own bedroom.

He felt tears gather as he stared at a photo of his parents on their wedding day. Naruto wondered if his mother was okay. He missed his father. Naruto might have looked exactly like his father, but he had definitely gained his mother's personality. His father, Minato, was always calm and collected, though he was an extremely friendly and understanding man.

His mother, Kushina, was a hyperactive, short tempered, maybe a little crazy, red haired woman. But no matter how different, the two still loved each other. Naruto smiled as he thought of a few happy memories with his parents.

The moment was broken, however, when there was a small sound, something like a cupboard being closed, a small bump. Tensing, Naruto gripped his weapon tightly. Slowly, he walked over towards his parents' bedroom, his breathing slightly loud. Gathering his courage, Naruto slowly opened the door, nearly dropping his weapon.

There was his mother, slowly turning towards him, her flesh rotten and torn, once beautiful, lively blue eyes now a dull yellow brown. She slowly started to shuffle towards him, reaching out to him, looking suspiciously like she wanted to give him a hug.

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