Chapter 8

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Gloomy. That one word was the only one needed to describe the past week after Gai's death. Gloomy, depressing which ever one, you pick. Not to mention it was raining cats and dogs outside and it has been for this particular week.

It's as if the sky was weeping along with Rock Lee, who has yet to get a grip on himself again.
"Damn, this rain is murder on my garden," Zetsu mumbled to himself as he stared out the window. Sighing, he could hear Lee crying from the living room couches.

It won't be long before Gaara, Sasori, Hidan or he himself would snap and yell at the boy, telling him to get a grip, build a bridge and get over it, but that would probably make it worse.

"M-mister Zetsu?" A timid voice rang through the otherwise quiet kitchen. Letting out an audible sigh, Zetsu replied harshly;
"What, Tobi,"

"Mister Zetsu, w-will you miss Tobi, when he dies?" The boy asked.
"Tobi, I don't think anyone will miss you, yes we will miss you, Tobi, no we won't," Zetsu said, confusing the boy.

"Mister Zetsu w-won't miss Tobi?" The masked man asked, his voice shaking slightly.
"No!" Zetsu snapped.
Inwardly he cringed at the quick intake of breath. Tobi began to whimper.

"O-okay, mister Zetsu," Tobi said before rushing out of the kitchen. Sighing once again, Zetsu left the kitchen to go apologise to the energetic boy.

When he reached their shared room, however, he found Tobi hastily packing what little belongings he has into a backpack.

"Tobi, what are you doing?" He asked as he stepped further into the room. "Tobi's leaving, mister Zetsu," he whispered.

"Because, Tobi isn't wanted here, not by Deidara sempai and not by," Tobi drifted off as a sob wracked his body. Zetsu waited patiently for the boy to continue, though he already knew what he was going to say.

"By mister Zetsu," Tobi finished as he continued packing, trying to stuff all his unfolded clothes into the bag.
"If you want to leave, you shouldn't leave, Tobi, you have to at least fold your clothes," Zetsu said looking at the boy's back as he had stopped moving.

"I do want you here, Tobi, I was just frustrated, the rain is ruining the garden we both worked so hard on. And if that insufferable brat doesn't stop crying I'm going to break his neck," Zetsu said, stepping closer to the trembling boy.

Once he reached Tobi, he turned the boy's body to face him, nearly flinching at the tears falling from under his mask. He sighed, reaching up to pull the mask off, but the boy jerked away. Zetsu gave him a stern look before reaching up and grabbing the end of the mask.

Encouraged, he pulled it off and felt a tug at his heart. A pained expression rested on the scarred face. Zetsu placed his hands on the beautiful boy's cheeks, whiping his tears away with his thumbs.

"I want you to stay, Tobi," Zetsu murmured before leaning in, pressing his lips onto Tobi's, waiting for a reaction. At first the boy stiffened, but quickly relaxed and placed his hands on Zetsu's shoulders.

Zetsu deepened the kiss, licking the youngers lower lip, asking for entrance. Tobi immediately obliged and parted his lips. Zetsu's tongue entered and started exploring, licking at Tobi's tongue, inviting him to play.

Shyly, Tobi obeyed and started to hesitantly lick at Zetsu's tongue. When the need for air became to strong they pulled away, panting slightly. Zetsu rested his forehead on Tobi's, smiling at him.

"Jashin, fucking damn it, would you just stop crying already?!" Hidan said as he walked in on Lee crying on the couches again.
"B-but, Gai sensei!" Lee sobbed painfully, heartbroken all over again. Hidan raised a brow at the weeping boy before sighing. He sat next to Lee, who was laying on his stomach on the couch.

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