Chapter 1

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Bree's Pov

Wassup yall I'm Bree Westbrook and I stay in Detroit, Michigan. Yes the dirty D I know but hey it's where I'm from. I'm 21 and single I have a sister her name is India Westbrook. Anyway I'm at work talking to one of my employee's India had to stay at home so she can study for finals for collage.

"It's so dry here today."I say as I began making an ice coffee for a customer. He was fine as hell I tell you caramel just like I like em.

"How much I owe you Ma?"He ask as I hand him the coffee.

"Uh $3.50."I smile as he gives me the money and walks aways.

"So fine."I say as I bite my lip.

"Dreaming of customers once again huh bree?"Carter ask as I roll my eyes.

"Fucking different bitches every once again huh Carter?"I mock him as he laughs.

"Bree why won't you just do some dating site or some shit?"He ask.

I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm more concentrated on my business I don't need a man."I lie.

Carter gives me that "why you lying face."

"Whatever you say."He say as he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Listen bree one day your going to find that special person."Carter say.

"Yeah one day."I mumble.

"Come on lets get back to work."Carter say as he pats my shoulder.

"Ok."I say.

We l continue working until it was time to go.

"Alright see you later."Carter say as he gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

A car pulls up and honks the horn, Carter and I look back.

"Alright thats me see ya later."He say as he jogs to the car, I roll my eyes as I seen him and his third bitch of the week tongue each other down.

I get inside my car and I get a call from my 👭😍Sissy😍👭

"Hellooo."I say as I start my car up.

"Aye bitch can you come pick me up my car acting dumb as fuck."She say sounding irritated.

"Say no more."I say as I hang up and head on the road. I plug in my aux cord and played Jacques "B.E.D."

A couple minutes later I pulled up to India's house, I got out the car and walked to the house.

"INDIA?!"I yell.

"HOLD ON I'M COMING!"She yells.

"This bitch never on time."I mumble as I sit my bag and car keys down and go to the kitchen, I open the fridge and wasn't shit in there.

"Come on I'm ready."India says out of breathe.

"Bitch you need to go grocery shopping."I say as I close the refrigerator.

"Yeah yeah I know."She says as I grab my bag and car keys and head to the car.

After India locks up the house she hops in the car.

"You ready?"I ask.

"Yeah."She say.

"Wait where we going anyway?"I ask.

"To your house duhh."She say like I'm supposed to know.

The drive to my house was fast, as soon as india stepped in she went to the kitchen.

I laugh and plop down on the couch, she later came in and sat by me.

"You got this big ass house with just you in it."She say as I sigh.

"Don't start."I say as I put my hand up.

"but anyway I set you up a date."She says smiling.

"Nope no uh uh I don't do blind dates India."I say shaking my head.

"Well its a first for everything."She say smiling.

"And if I say no?"I ask.

"There is No no."She say.

"Ughh."I say out of frustration.

"Pleaseee pretty pleaseee."She begs.

"Ughh fine fine I'll go he better be cute."I say.

"Trust and believe he is fine."She say.

"What time and where is he taking me?"I ask.

"8 and I don't know where he's taking you."She say.

"What?"I ask.

"I'm just playing since you act like a fucking kid he's taking you laser tagging."She say.

"For real?"I ask.

"Yeah."She say.

"But it's gone be at 8 sooooo."I say.

"He rented out the whole place."She say.

"Really?"I asked.

"Yesss bitch....who's the best sister in the world?"She ask.

"You."I smile and give her a hug.

"Ok now go get dressed."She say as she pushes me in my room.

Ughh here goes nothing.

Yeah new book you guys I have alot of ideas for this book so read and vote comment so I can know what you think.

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