Chapter 21

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Bree POV.

I woke up and my neck was hurting like a bitch.

"See the shit I'm going through for yo ass."I say to Lucas as I rub my neck.

He was still in a coma. I just sat there and played with his fingers.

"I remember when we first met.....I never meant to catch feelings the way I did...obviously we was meant to be because you kept popping up."I say as I laugh but those laughs quickly turned into tears.

"Lucas baby please wake up I miss you I miss yo deep ass voice."I say.

I kissed his hand.

"If you wake up I will give you a bomb ass back massage or some head."I say trying to persuade him to wake up.

"Please baby I need you."I say.

Lucas POV.

As hard as I tried to open my eyes I couldn't. I can hear but I can't see shit,I heard everything Bree was saying and she was trying her best to wake me up by persuading me. I missed her touch, I need to wake up so I can protect her from Carter and his crew.

"Come on Bree you need to go home take a shower and eat you can come back right after."I hear another voice.

"No just bring me some clothes and I can get food from the hospital cafeteria."Bree say I feel her squeeze my hand.

"Ok what ever you say Bree I'll be back in a couple minutes."I hear footsteps then a door close.

"I won't eat or sleep untill you wake up."She say.

I can tell by her voice she started crying.

"Why couldn't you just stay home."She say.

"If you wake up I will move with you."She say playing with my fingers I don't know why she does this, and we was going to move in with each other ether way it go.

"Lucas please wake up I love you and I miss you so so so soooo much we can have 7 kids like you said if you wake up."She said.

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't,She was trying her best to get me up.

Bree POV

"Ok Bree I brought yo clothes."India say handing me my clothes.

"I'm going to take a quick shower try to persuade him to wake up."I say.

India laughs but I look at her dead serious, she stop laughing and nod.

I went into the hospital bathroom and took a quick shower.

India POV.

"Lucas if you wake I will give you my rihanna anti album."I say.

He just sat there, I couldn't think of shit but Will walked in and pecked my and sat on the other side of Lucas bed.

"Wassup nigga."He say to Lucas.

"Lucas you need to getcho ass up."I say.

Will laughs.

"Right boy and you need yo hair cut ya shit fucked."Will say.

Bree comes out fully dressed.

"Yall need to stop making fun of my baby."She say as she kiss Lucas cheek.

"So Bree how you doing?"Will ask.

"I just want him to wake up."Bree say as she sits down.

"Yeah."I say as I rub her back.

"So how how are you guys going to go after Carter?"Bree ask.

"We don't know yet we have to wait till Lucas call the shots."Will say.

Bree shakes her head as the doctor comes in.

"How is he?"Bree ask.

"He's doing pretty good his bullet wombs are healing pretty fast and he should wake up anytime this week."He say.

Bree smiles.

"Thank you."She say as he nods and exit the room.

Lucas POV

I heard what the doctor sai, I can't wait to get out this fucking hospital I'm coming for Carter's ass.

"You hear that baby you going to be waking up soon."I hear Bree say.

"Alright Lucas when you wake up head to the barber I'm out come on baby."I hear Will say. He always talking about somebody hairline when his shit worser then LeBron with his bald head ass.

I hear the door close.

Bree POV.

After India and Will left I turned on the t.v. and watched criminal minds. I love this show I was watching it then I got hungry.

"Baby I'm going to be back I'm hungry as hell."I say as I peck Lucas cheek and head to the cafeteria.

I got me a slice of pizza and a pop. I walked to Lucas room and the door was halfway open. I know I closed this shit all the way ,I walked into the room and closed the door to only see Brook sitting in my seat talking to Lucas,I just stayed back and listened.

"Lucas why you.....why did you have to go with that FAT BITCH over all this I was the perfect girl for you and the day you and Bree broke up when I came to your house naked you know you wanted to have sex with me...but that bitch was on your mind so heavy you couldn't."She say.

I continued to listen.

"I hope you get what you deserve."She say to him.

"Somebody's mad."I say as she jumps. I sit my food down as she stood up mugging me.

"Oh please Bitch he will be back in no time."She say.

I roll my eyes.

"Let me tell you something if you come near me or Lucas again I will kill you with my bare hands now getcho ass out of here right now."I say through gritted teeth. She looked at me shocked shid I was shocked myself.

She stomped her feet and left, I sigh and sit back down eating my pizza.

"You need to wake yo ass up Lucas."I say as I rub my hands through his hair.

This gone be a long week.

I updated.

Sorry if there are any mistakes.

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