Chapter 27

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Bree POV.

Today we having a little pool party with just Will and India. Yesterday when me and Lucas was at walmart I brought a pregnancy test but I didn't take it yet.

"Baby."Lucas shakes me.

"I'm not sleep and what?"I ask.

"Get up I'm bored."He say.

I smack my lips and pull the covers back.

"Babyyyyyyy."He say as he get on top of me putting all his weight on me.

"Lucas get yo fat ass off me."I say he laughs.

"You soft."He say as I laugh and peck his lips.

"But baby I uh brought a pregnancy test yesterday."I say.

He gets off me and shakes his head.

"Don't take it until I leave and when you do find out don't tell me until I come back."I say.

"Why? babe don't you want to know?"I ask.

"No because if you are pregnant it's going to make me stay and it'll be better if I don't know."He say I sigh.

He grabs my hands and kiss them.

"I love you."He say.

"I love you to."I say as he walks in the bathroom.

I go to my purse and grab the pregnancy test out my purse I look at it and throw it in the trash.

"Come on babe we have to get dress Will and India will be here in an hour."Lucas say coming out the bathroom.

"Ok which bathing suit?"I ask holding up a black two piece and a leopard one.

"Two piece."He say as he come over and peck my lips.

"Ok."I say as I go to the bathroom and take a shower.

Will POV

"Babe come on damn pick a bathing suit."I say. India was having a hard time picking between a white two piece or a low cut one piece.

"Ok ok I'm going with the white two piece."She say.

"Finally."I say.

"Orrrr."She say.

"Bruh."I say as she laughs.

"I'm just kidding let me get my cover up then we can go."She say running upstairs.

"Hurry up."I say.

"I got it come on."She say as I lock the house and go to the car.

"We need to stop at the grocery store because Lucas wants to grill."I say as she nods and buckles her seat belt.

We drive to the grocery store and pick up some meat,juices, and ribs. Now we was on our way to Lucas house.

I pulled up in they lumpy ass drive way Lucas need to get that shit fixed. I helped India out the car and grabbed the groceries. Her ass ran straight in the house ain't even help a nigga out.

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