Chapter 7

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Bree POV

I woke up this morning with a fucked up headache. Where the hell am I.

"What the fuck happen last night."I say as I sit up.

I looked around the room and it looks like a man room. I get up and put my pants on,grab my purse and go downstairs.

"Finally you up."I turn around and there stood Lucas he ain't have no shirt on andhe had on some jogging pants that hung low till you seen his V line.

"What happen?"I ask.

"Uh you got drunk as hell and you wanted to come here so yeah."He say.

"We didn't do anything?"I ask.

"Well you was trying to rape me but other then that nothing happen."He say.

"Oh my god."I face palm myself.

"Anyway India brought you some clothes and shit like that the bathroom is down the hall to the left."He say.

I scratch my hair and grab my clothes and go to the bathroom.

I took a nice long shower and got dressed,I came out the bathroom and I couldn't find Lucas so I just walked around.

His house was pretty nice to be a guy.

"Nosey ass."Lucas say as I turn around.

"Well uh thanks for lettin me stay a night or whatever I should get going."I say.

"Uh you can stay if you want...... I-I mean I ain't doing shit you don't have to rush home so fast."He stutters,I giggle at him.

"Are you asking me to stay with you?"I ask.

"What pshh nah I just thought you might was going to be bored or-"I interrupt him.

I laugh.

"Sure I'll stay."I say as he nods.

"What you want to do?"He ask, I shrug.

"Nigga you wanted me to stay."I mug him.

"I wanted you to stay because I'm bored as hell."He say as I laugh.

"Give me your phone."I say.

"Hell nah?"He say.

"Boy you got something to hide?"I ask.

"Nope cuh you ain't my girl."He say as he hands me his phone.

I go straight to snap chat and start making a video.

"Hacking here with this meany."I say as I turn the camera towards Lucas.

"Bruh gimme my phone so irritating."He say as he holds his hands out.

"See what I'm talking bout."I say as the video stop.

I added some filter and put some emojis, Then I added myself.

"Gimme my phone."Lucas say as I take some pictures.

"Nope."I laugh.

He rolls his eyes.

"Take a picture with me."I say.

"If I take a picture with you is you gone give me my phone?"He ask.

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