Chapter 2

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Bree POV.

After my shower I went in my room and looked through my closet. Since we are only going laser tagging I'm going to go for something simple. Which is black pants,black shirt and another red and checker button up to put around my waist and my red jordans.

"Oooo sissy you look good."India say.

I smile.

"Thank you."I say.

Ding dong.

"Ooo that's the door go answer it."I say as India goes downstairs.

India POV.

As I went downstairs, I open the door and there stood Lucas.

"Wassup India."He say as he gives me a hug.

"Hey Lucas."I say as I hug back.

"You and will gone stop with the blind dates y'all know I ain't even looking for no relationship or no bitch."He say as he rolls his eyes.

"Aye you got me fucked up if you think you gone talk about my big sister like you fucking stupid and you need an independent women in yo life so you can stop hustling."I say as he rolls his eyes.

"Man whatever."He say.

"I'm not fucking playing with yo ass Lucas-"I got interrupted by Bree coming downstairs.

"Uh hey I'm Bree."Bree say as she holds her hand out.

"Wassup I'm Lucas."He say as he shakes her hand.

They just stand there all awkward and shit.

"Ok y'all can leave now."I say.

"Right right see you later sis."Bree hugs me as Lucas opens the front door.

I watch them walk to the car. Lucas helped Bree in the car and looked back at me and stuck the middle finger up.

I laugh and close the door.

Lucas POV.

Na India ain't tell me her sister was a big girl ugh imma kill will's ass when I get home, But for her to be a big girl she pretty I'm just not attracted to big girls like that.

"So um how old are you?"She ask her voice was so light.

I laugh just by thinking about it.

"Um I'm 23 what about you"I say.

"21."She say.

I pulled up to the laser tag building and helped Bree out the car.

"Be prepared to loose."She say as we walk into the building.

"Ha whatever."I say as I look at her booty she had a big ass I ain't even gone lie.

Once we got into the building we suited up and begin playing. 5 minutes into the game I couldn't find Bree no fucking where.

When I ran up stairs I felt my vest vibrate and heard giggling, I turned around and she was running.

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