Chapter 14

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Bree POV.

After last night I couldn't sleep for shit. I did not want to see Lucas face so I hurried up and got dressed and got the fuck on. I knew I would've seen him this morning I would've gave up them panties quick fast and in a hurry.

"Wow this place looks beautiful Bree."Carter says.

"Thank you and where were you for my grand opening?"I ask with a straight face.

"See I was out in Paris getting this old thing here."He say holding up a painting of me.

"OH MY GOD CARTER!"I yell as I take the painting and admire it.

"Well a thank you would be nice."He say.

I sit the painting down and give carter a hug.

"Thank you so much hun."I say giving him a hug.

I hear the bell ring and look up to see Lucas.

"The hell is this?"He ask as me and Carter pull away.

"Hey babe."I say as he walks to me.

"Don't hey me who is this nigga?"He ask.

"Calm down...Carter this is Lucas my boyfriend."I say as Carter raise his eyebrows.

"Boyfriend I ain't know you had a boyfriend where have I been."He say as I laugh.

"In paris."I say.

"Anyway wassup man."Carter say as he shakes Lucas hand.

"Wassup my bad it's just when you have a beautiful girlfriend you gotta watch niggas."Lucas say pulling me close.

"Yeah."Carter say as India comes in.

"Hey guys."India say as she sits her hair bag down and gives me a hug.

"Hey sis."I say hugging her back.

"Well it was nice meeting you Lucas Bree I will see you later."Carter say as he kisses my cheek and leaves.

"Something fishy about ya boy."Lucas say.

"What you mean?"I ask.

"He just seem off."He say.

"Oh."I say.

"What's this?"He ask picking up the painting.

"It was a gift."I say.

"Anyway I have business to handle I will see you later."Lucas say as I nod and walk away.

He clears his throat, I turn around and look at him.

"What?"I ask as he pokes his lips out.

I laugh and pecked his lips.

"Stop fuckin playing."Lucas say as I smack my lips and give him a real kiss.

"Mh that's what I'm talking about."He say as I laugh as he leaves.

"What's wrong?"I ask India as I sit by her she was quiet.

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