Chapter 9

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Bree POV

I ain't even gone lie I was hurt about what happen between me and Lucas but it was like 3 weeks ago and my business is going to have it's grand opening in a couple days and I still have to put my sign up and finish sending out invitations.

"Come on Bree you have been burying yourself into your shop since you bought it."India say as she sits down.

"Well India I have goals."I say as she rolls her eyes.

"Look come on let's go out to dinner or something just lets take a break."She say as I nod and stand up.

"Ok but only an hour."I say as she smiles and drags me out the house.

We go to my favorite restaurant which is chilli's.

"Welcome to chilli's how may I help you?"The waiter ask.

"Uh a table for two."India say.

"Right this way."The waiter say as He guides us to our table.

We sit down and as I was looking at the menu.

"Ok whatever you do don't look back."India say.

"Why?"I ask.

"Just don't."She say but I look back anyway to only see Lucas walking in with the same hoe.

"I SAID DON'T LOOK NIGGA!"She yells as everybody looked at our table.

"You know black people do the complete fucking opposite."I say.

"Wassup India."Lucas say as him and his hoe walks over.

"Uh hey Lucas."She say as I roll my eyes.

"Mind if we join?"He ask.

"Uh I don't think Bree would-"She got interrupted by them sitting down.

"Well then."India say as she looks at me. I just shrug as the waiter come.

"Are we ready to order?"He ask, He was cute.

"Yeah I will have a steak and loaded potatoes."India say.

"I will have a salad."Brook said.

"I'm going to have the rib dinner."Lucas said.

"And for you beautiful?"The waiter ask as I smile.

"Um chicken alfredo."I say.

"And your drinks?"He ask.

"We will all have sprite."India say as I nod.

"I will back shortly."He say as he winks at me and walks away.

"Ooooo Bree I see you."India say.

"Girl he look like he around 16 or 17 but he is cute."I say.

"Anyway what you been up to India?"Lucas ask.

"Nun much."She say.

"So uh what do you guys do for a living?"Brook ask as I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to be graduating collage soon and I'm going to be working with my sister Bree at her shop until I get my own business."India say as Brook nods.

"What about you uh uh whats yo name again?"Brook ask.

I ignore her.

"Rude much."Lucas mumble.

I look at him and roll my eyes.

Brook just stares at me.

"Problem?"I ask.

"No."She say.

I just ignore her as the food comes, I begin eating and man it was delicious.

It was alot of tension at the table.

"I'm going to the bathroom."I say as I walk away.

I go into the bathroom and sigh and look into the mirror.

"Stay away from Lucas."I turn around and see Brook.

"Shiddd you ain't gotta tell me twice....I'm done with him any way."I bumped her hard as hell as I was head back out.

India POV.

"What the hell is wrong with you bringing that bitch with you."I say to Lucas.

"Man I'm grown as hell I can bring and fuck anybody I want."He say I smack the back of his head.

"You dumb as fuck."I say as Bree come back to the table.

"Uh you ready to go?"She ask as she puts some money down for the check.

"Yes please."I say as I grab my purse.

Bree POV.

"You ok Bree?"India ask.

"I'm fine I just need to get back to work."I say as she sighs.

"If you say so."She says.

It didn't take us long before we got to the shop.

"Be safe Bree."India say.

"Ok see ya later."I say as she pulls off.

I sigh.

"Today was one hell of a day."I say as I unlock the shop and proceed to my work.

Bout time I left the shop it was 10 p.m. I was tired as hell I went home and went to sleep.

I updated.

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