Chapter 12

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India POV.

"So what you want to do?"I ask Will as We get in the car.

"Let's do something fun."He say.

"Say no more."I say as I drive.

"Where we going?"He ask.

"A place."I say.

I pulled up to sky zone and parked we got out the car and Will smiled.

"This is what I'm talking about."He say as he pulls me into the building.

We go into the building and pay for our wrist bands and take our shoes off.

"Come on Will."I say as I jump into the cubes.

"I'm coming."He jumps in with me and throw a cube at me.

I laugh and throw one at him. We was jumping in and out of the cubes until we wanted to jump on the trampoline.

"Come on let's play trampoline basketball."Will say as he grabs the ball.

"Ight check."I say as he toss me the ball. I jumped up and down on the trampoline until I got to the rim and then I jumped real high and did a dunk.

"OOOO BOY YOU CAN'T HANDLE that I'm steph curry with the shot."I say as he shakes his head.

We play a couple more games until we got hungry.

"What you want to eat?"He ask.

"Chick-fil-a."I say as he nods.

We go to chick-fil-a and order.

"India."Will say.

"Yeah."I say as I eat.

"I know you want to take things slow and so do I but I want you to be my girl because these feelings I have for you are wild and I want to be with you we can take it slow in a relationship can't we."He say holding my hand.

"Will my feelings for you are strong and I don't want you to hurt me so if I get into this relationship with you don't hurt me but before I do is there anything you want to tell me I don't want no surprise's in this relationship."I say as he looks like he was thinking.

"Uh I'm going to become a Kingpin."He say.

"As in the drug game?"I ask.

"Yeah but I won't bring it around you."He say.

I nod.

"So you officially mine?"He ask.

I smile and kiss him, I know this is right.

Bree POV

I woke up to banging on my door. I rubbed my eyes and went to the door and opened it.


"My bad baby I was sleep."I say as I yawn.

"It's coo."He say as he kisses my forehead.

"What time is it?"I ask as he pulls his phone out.

"12 a.m."He say.

"Why you so late?"I ask as I go to the kitchen.

"Uh well the boss gave me and Will his business so I had to handle some things for a min."He say.

"Wait what....So you and Will in charge DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AFTER Y'ALL HEADS?!"I yelled.

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