Chapter 18

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Lucas POV

I woke up this morning and Bree was still sleep. I slid from under her and went to the bathroom. I threw some water on my face and patted it dry.

I picked up my phone and seen I had alot of miss calls from Will and Dre I called will.

"Aye bruh get to the trap ASAP we got some information thats going to help."He say.

"Ughh man alright I'm on my way."I say as I hang up. I just woke up and I can't leave Bree while she sleep. I take a shower and get dressed. I walked back into Bree room and she was still sleep.

"Baby."I say as I move her hair out her face.

"Bae."I say.

She still ain't answer, she ain't want to wake up. I wrote her note,kissed her forehead and left.

I pulled up to the trap and when I walked in I was immediately attacked with questions and other shit.

"AYE AYE CALM DOWN ONE AT A TIME!"I yell as everybody got quiet.

"Ok so this magically appeared at the trap door this morning when I was coming to open."Will say handing me a small package.

"What's in it?"I ask.

"We don't know we ain't want to take no risk."He say.

I nod and rip the package opened, it was a hard drive.

I looked at Will and he looked at me. I shrugged and grabbed a lap top and inserted it in and a whole bunch of files came up.

"Who's this from?"I ask.

"There was no name."Dre say.

I kept looking and there was old ass files from way back. Talking about shootings and drug lords.

"This shit don't make any since."I say.

"Why are they bringing up all these old ass files from way back?"Will ask.

I stared at the files for minute then shook my head.

"These files old as fuck man anyway we gone shut this shit down for a minute."I say.

"What nigga I got a family we gotta eat."Dre said as everybody nod.

"Aye y'all still gone be gettin paid but we all need to lay low for a while."I say.

"Man alright."Dre say.

Everybody packs up there stuff and exit.

"What we gone do about this situation?"Will ask.

"I don't know."I say.

"Let's just lay low."He say as I nod I pack up my shit and lock down the trap and go to my car.

"So how did it go with Bree?"Will ask.

"It went good we back together."I say.

Will looks at me for a minute.

"What?"I ask.

"You got some pussy."He say I shake my head.

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