Chapter 29

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Bree POV

"I AIN'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YALL! SO YALL NOT GONE GET NO SLEEP BECAUSE OF ME!"I woke up to see Lucas and Will yelling and banging pots together.

"BRO SHUT...THE...FUCK...UP!"I yell as I put the pillow on my ears.

"GET UP BREE!"India yells shaking me.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!"I yell as I sit up.

"Thanks y'all we gone meet y'all downstairs."Lucas say as Will dap him up and walks out the room.

"Ight see you in a minute Bree."India say as she walks out the room.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched, Lucas was pulling an outfit out my closet.

"Babe I want you to take a shower and get dressed so we can go."Lucas say.

I looked at the clock next to our first picture on the night stand and it said 6:30 a.m.

"Lucas it's six in the fuckin morning you don't leave until 9."I say as I was about to lay back down but Lucas pulled my hand.

"No I want you to get yo fine ass up and go take a shower so we can go out for breakfast."He say squeezing my butt.

"Ughh."I say.

He pecks my lips as I go to the shower.

Lucas POV.

Today is my last day in Detroit and I wanted to wake up extra early so Me,Bree,India, and will can go out for breakfast together. I love Bree and there is a possibility I won't be coming back but I know I'm coming back. Anyway after I sent Bree to take a shower I grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs.

"Oh my god not on my couch."I say to India and Will as they pull apart from kissing.

"Shut up where Bree at?"India ask.

"She in the shower."I say.

"I'm going to miss you bae."India say to Will with a sad look.

"I'm going to miss you to but we got facetime."He say as she nods and lays her head on his shoulder.

I look down because I really am going to miss Bree.

"Ok I'm ready."I hear Bree say as she comes downstairs in the outfit I picked.

I gave a weak smile and grabbed the car keys, We headed to Ihop and it was silent in the car.

"Why y'all so quiet?"I ask.

"Just one of those days."Bree say shrugging, I put my hand on her thigh.

"Yeah it's just the fact of you guys leaving and a possibility of y'all not coming back."India say. I sigh and pull up to IHOP, We all get out and walk into IHOP.

"Hi welcome to Ihop what can I do for you?"The waitor ask.

"A booth please."I say as she escorts us to the booth.

We all ordered and began eating it was still quiet all you heard was smacking from Will and India.

"Aye y'all need to speak the fuck up we to quiet I know we leaving in a couple hours but damn y'all making it seem like we about to die or some shit."I say as everybody sighs.

"You right you right let's not think about this and let's enjoy each other's time."Bree say as we all nod.

We then started having a conversation not even thinking about us leaving. When it was that time for us to go to the airport thats when my sadness started sinking in. The shit hit me harder then I suspected.

"I'm going to miss you."Bree say as she wouldn't let go of my waist.

"I'm gone miss you to baby but I promise I'm gone be back and when I come back we gone have so much sex."I say as she laughs.

"Sike nah but I love you."I say cuffing her face.

"I love you to."She say.

"Smooch."I say as she smiles and peck my lips.

"Alright alright baby."Will say as he buckles his pants walking towards us with India behind with her shirt wrinkled and her lipstick smeered.

"Please tell me y'all did not do what I think y'all did?"Bree ask.

"I mean what can you say."India say with a smirk.

Will laughs and pecks her lips.

"Well well well if it isn't Lucas Coly and miss piggy."I turn around and there stood brook.

"Look here BITCH didn't we have this conversation already."Bree say as she try to get out of my grip.

"Come on baby she ain't even worth it."I say.

"No Lucas you ain't worth it wit yo limp dick ass."She say.

"Bitch what you just say."I say as I was about to strangle this hoe.

"Bae calm down just do what you gotta do."Bree say pulling me closer to her.

"Better listen Lucas because them niggas in Paris gone fuck you up."She say.

"How the fuck you know?"I ask.

"You'll find out now if you excuse me my private jet is waiting."She say as she walked away.

"You think she got something to do with the Paris shit?"I ask.

"I know she got something to do witb the paris shit."Will say.

I looked at Bree.

"Do what you gotta do just come back to me."She say.

I smile and kiss her lips and her stomach.

"I love you."I say.

"I love you to see you when you come back."She say as she hugs me,I gave her a long hug until they called me and Will flight.

Will gave India a long kiss I looked at Bree and she had a tear running down her cheek I wiped her tear and pecked her lips.

"See ya later baby."I say as I walked.

"I LOVE YOU LUCAS COLY!"She yells as everybody in the airport look at her, I laugh.


Everybody was looking at us I shook my head.

Bree POV

"He's really gone."I say as I wipe my face.

India gives me a hug.

"Come on let's go to yo house."India say wiping her tears.

Until Lucas come back I'm going to pray every night.

Play the song in the M/M

Did Brook have something to do with whats about to happen in paris?

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