Chapter 22

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Bree POV.

It feels like forever since Lucas have been in a coma. I haven't stepped out this hospital since he got put in here. I stayed holding his hand.

"Hey Bree how are you?"India ask.

"I'm coo."I say. She sighs and nods.

I get up and walk to the window just watching the cars.

"He's going to wake up Bree."India say as she rubs my back.

"I hope so."I say.

Lucas POV.

I couldn't take hearing this anymore I needed to open my eyes. I wanted to have my baby in my arms I tryed to open my eyes but failed. I needed something to help me to give me a boost or some shit.

I hear Bree sigh as I hear a chair being pulled close to the bed.

"I'm going to go check on the shop ok."I hear India say.

"Ok here are the keys."I hear Bree say.

I then hear a door close.

"Baby get up."I hear Bree say. I heard the chair move back and I felt a pair of lips on mine.

I tried to kiss back but I failed, I tried again and I succeed.

Bree POV

I decided to give Lucas a kiss and I felt him kiss back, I pulled back quick as hell. He slowly opened up his eyes and looked at me.

"Why you stop?"He ask with his eyes low as hell and his voice was raspy but it was sexy as fuck.

"Oh my god Lucas."I say as I smash my lips against his.

I kept pecking his lips over and over.

"I missed you so much."I say as I peck his lips again.

"I missed you to baby damn back up."He say.

"I'm going to go get the doctor."I say sitting up.

"No wait just a couple more minutes."He say.

"Do you want me to call Will?"I ask.

He shakes his head.

"I heard everything."He say, I looked at him confusing.

"What you mean?"I ask.

"All your persuasive ways."He say as I laughed.

I pulled back and sat down.

"How are you feeling?"I ask.

"I got some pain but I'm ok why you sitting all the way over there?"He ask.

"When was the last time you saw Brook?"I ask.

"The last time I seen Brook was the day after we broke up She showed up at my crib and tried to have sex but I refused and I cussed her ass out."He say.

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