Chapter 30

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Lucas POV

We arrived in Paris and got checked into our hotel we needed to get these niggas tonight. Me and will already got the plan set out.

"So we know they go to this hotel every night to check in and distribute the drugs to room service."Will say as the crew nods.

"They also have different maids and room servers every night they host meetings and group calls which means every body from they set will be there."I say.

"So they there having this big meeting tonight."Will say.

We start telling everybody they positions and where they are supposed to guard.

"Aye I'm about to go to the hotel gift store."I say as I put my jacket on.

"Aye me to I want to get India something."He say grabbing his phone.

We go to the elevator.

"Aye have you talk to India since we left?"I ask as I looked at my phone. Bree hasn't texted me since I left.

"No it's like 3 in the morning over there you forgetting we in another country?"Will ask.

"Oh yeah and we couldn't use our phones on the plane."I say as we get off the elevator

We go into the gift store and I went to the jewelry section Will went some where else.

"Hi what can I do for you today sir?"A lady ask she had a deep accent.

"Can I get a necklace that represents love?"I ask.

She pulled out this beautiful necklace it had about 10 diamonds on there.

"How much?"I ask.

"$100."She say.

I mean hey if we was in America it would've been alot much more. I paid for the necklace and she put it in a box Will came back with a big ass bear and some bags and shit.

"Damn nigga."I say.

"I mean my baby deserves the best."He say shrugging.

I laugh.

"Bree don't like to be spoiled but aye let's go try some this food while we down here."I say as he nods.

We go out to this Paris restaurant and it was hard for will to order but not me cuh I already knew French so I had to order for Will.

"Aye thanks bro."He say.

"No problem."I say.

I looked up and behind Will was two big buff dudes who were whispering and looking at our table.

"Will don't look back just get up and drop some money and let's go."I say Will nods and slowly stands and drop some money on the table. I stand up and we walk out the restaurant.

"What was that?"Will ask.

"Carter's gang knows we are down here we have to get this shit ova before we get murdered."I say.

"How you know?"I ask.

"Because only gang members where all black in paris that's why we stay in color but from the looks of it they know gang Americans when they see em."I say.

"Damn man come on lets head to the hotel before they follow us."Will say.

Bree POV

"Bree are you finished?"India ask as I finished taking the pregnancy test.

"Yeah let me wash my hands."I say as I wash my hands.

India woke me up early as fuck just to take this cheap ass test. I finish washing my hands and came out the bathroom.

"Ok we gotta wait 5 minutes then we will know."I say as I pulled my phone out.

"I'm going to text Lucas."I say as I text Lucas.

Text moad

Me: Taking the pregnancy test 🚼.

👫😍Baby😍👫:For real😱

Me:😭😂 Yes I'll send you a picture of the results.

👫😍Baby😍👫: No I'll see them when I come back tomorrow we gone do this job tonight.

Me: please be safe I love you😍❤.

👫😍Baby😍👫:I'm always safe baby and I love you to💑.

Me: you said that and then you was shot....😰😥😪.

👫😍Baby😍👫: I promise look I gotta go✌😘.


Text moad over.

"You talked to Will?"I ask India.

"Yeah I was just texting him."She say.

The test made a beeping noise so I picked it up.

"Well what do it say?"India ask.

I look up from the pregnancy test.

"P-positive OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT!"I yell.

"YAYYY I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE AN AUNTIE!"India say as she dances around, I touch my stomach.

"There's a little baby growing in me."I say smiling.

"Yessss I'm gonna be an auntie."India sings laughing.

She was more excited then me.

Lucas POV

After I got done text Bree It was time to gear up.

"Aye look no matter what happens tonight I appreciate y'all."I say as I button my bullet proof vest.

"No problem boss its our jobs."They say.

"Ight me and Will gone take the roof we gone climb through the vents so when we come through the ceiling y'all should already have the French surrendered."I say.

"Ight let's pray."Will say.

We all huddled up and began praying, Jesus let me make it home to family.

Is Lucas gone make it back to Bree?

Bree is pregnant😍

The necklace that Lucas bought in the M/M.

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