Chapter 16

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Lucas POV.

After I left Bree shop I went home. Me and Bree just need some time apart I'm going to let things cool down. I still don't want her around that fuck nigga he up to something and imma prove it.

I get a phone call from Will.

"Hello."I say.

"Bruh what the hell happen?"He ask.

"Man that fuck nigga up to something."I say.

"How you know?"Will ask.

"Cuh I got a feeling."I say.

"Man whatever you know you broke Bree heart."He say as I sigh.

"Look me and Bree just need some time apart."I say.

"Man whatever I gotta go."He say as he hang up.

I sigh and rub my hands down my face.

Bree POV

After everybody left the shop I cleaned up and left. I can't believe Lucas did that shit especially in front of my clients it wad hurtful and embarrassing. I went home and took a hot bubble bath.

I just sat there and thought about the shit Lucas said.

"You can kiss this relationship goodbye."

I mean was it that easy for him to let me go and I am starting to question Carter's sexuality is he gay because he doesn't give off that gay vibe I just need space from both of them.

I wiped my tears and washed up and got out of the tub. I made sure I locked the house down and went to my room.

I felt so lonely, I was so used to sleeping next to Lucas smelling his cologne.  I pulled the pillow he use to sleep on close to me and feel asleep.

Lucas POV.

I can't sleep for shit, I'm so use to being at Bree house sleeping next to her warm body, laying on her titties were comfortable. We just need some time apart but I do miss her.

Knock knock

"Who is it?"I ask walking to the door.

"Brook."She say. I sigh and open the door.

"Man look it ain't the right time right now what you want?"I ask.

"You."She say opening her trench coat she ain't have shit on.

I put my hand on my head and sigh.

"I'm happily in a relationship."I say.

"That ain't what the streets saying."She say as she walks.

"Aye you gotta bounce Bree on her way."I lie.

"Oh Lucas please you left Bree."She say.

I roll my eyes.

"You know what I ain't sugar coating shit nomo...yeah I left Bree but guess what you don't have half the shit Bree has....EVEN IF BREE IS 6 FEET UNDER I WILL NEVER EVER HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!"I yell.

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