Chapter 3

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Bree POV

I woke up this morning and was feeling refresh after that shitty date. Now I'm not gone even lie Lucas was fine as hell but he seem like he wasn't interested in me. Anyway I got up and took a shower and got dressed.

I looked good so I decided to take a picture. I didn't have work today so I was just going to go explore my old neighborhood. The drive there wasn't long I parked my car and walked around.

"Yoooooo is that Ms.Bree Westbrook?"I hear someone say I turned around and there stood will.

"The Fuck you want Will?"I ask as I roll my eyes.

"Well damn excuseee me."He say as he puts his hand on his heart.

"Mhm."I say as I fold my arms.

"Who shitted in yo cheerios this morning?....Lucas."He ask as he started laughing.

I roll my eyes and push him.

"Fuck you and India gone set me up on that shitty date."I say.

"Bruh when he told me he made you walk to the crib bruh I was dead."He say while dying laughing.


"So if Lucas was here would you be talking to him like that?"Will ask smirking.

"Fuck Lucas he don't put no fear in my blood ole punk ass."I huff.

I turn around and there stood Lucas.

"Shit."I mumble.

"See you always talking shit."He say.

"Ok and I'm gone keep talking shit the fuck you gone do about it?"I challenged as I seen his jaw clench damn that was sexy to me.

"How was yo walk?"He ask smirking.

"Fuck you."I say as I push him away from my car and get in. I start the car up and head to India's house.

I bang on her door.

"Who is it?"She ask.

"Bitch open the door."I say as she opens the door.

"Why yo ass banging on my door like you the police?"She ask.

"Bitch I just needed to get away."I say as I sit down.

"From where?"She ask.

"Lucas and Will dumb asses."Her eyes lit up as soon as I said Will.

"You went back to our old neighborhood?"She asks smiling.

"Yeah."I say as I lean back.

"Oh."She say as she finishes her hair.

"Where yo ass going?"I ask.

"Me and Will are going to have lunch."She cheeses.

"You like Will don't you?"I ask.

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