Chapter 31

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Lucas POV.

We all headed to the hotel in the van. I made sure everybody had they positions. So me and Will headed to the ventilation.

"Damn it's hot as fuck in here."Will say as we continue crawling.

"No shit nigga we in a fucking vent."I say as I turned on my flashlight.

"Bruh I gotta fart."He say.

"Bruh don't fucking fart while we in this vent."I say but it was to late.

"Sorry."He say.

"OH MY FUCKING GOT DAMN NIGGA!"I yell as I started to crawl faster.

Will was laughing,we reached the top of the room.

"Alright everybody assume your position bust in on a count of!"I yelled as me and Will drop through the ceiling.

As soon as we got there the French already had they guns out we was fucked my crew were dead already.

"YOU FUCKING AMERICANS!"One of the French man say.

"Shit."Will mumbles.

"See we got the wrong room we strippers so yeah."Will say as I look at him like he stupid.

"Will shut up."I say as I put my hands up.

"Take there guns."The French man say as he take me and Will guns.

"You fuckin Americans think you can just come in here and kill us and think we wouldn't know?"The French man ask.

"Well uh yeah."I say but quickly regretted it when his fist connected with my jaw.

"Shit."I mumble.

"Kill them and let's continue our meeting."He say as the French put there guns to our heads.

"WOAH WOAH WAIT WAIT the only reason we came down here was because of Carter White he robbed us and we needed to do what we had to do."Will say.

"This Carter White was one of my distributer....HE WAS MY MAIN PART OF GETTING MONEY YOU FUCKIN AMERICAN!"He yells at Will. I roll my eyes cuh this nigga kept calling me a fuckin American.

"Na you're definitely are going to die French style."He say. How the fuck do you die any type of style you just die.

"Wait I gotta question."I say.

"What?"He ask.

"How do you die a style."I ask.

He punched me in my shit.

"Finish them."He say.

"Stop."Someone yell as me and Will look up.

It was Brook she walked up to the man and whispered something in his ear he nodded.

"Put the guns down."He say as his crew put they guns down.

"What the fuck is going on."Will whispered I shook my head.

"Hello Will and Lucas."Brook say.

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