Chapter 19

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Bree POV.

"Bae come on."Lucas say as I slide on my flip flops.

"I'm coming."I say as I walk downstairs.

"Uh uh aye will pass me that towel."Lucas say as Will hand him a towel.

Lucas wraps the towel around my body.

"Boy if you don't take that damn towel off my sister."India say as I laugh and take the towel off.

"But bae you showing off all yo goods."He say.

"But you the only one who come home to them every night."I say as I peck his lips.

"Ew ok can we go now?"India ask.

"Yeah let's go."Will say as we all head to the car.

We get to the beach and it wasn't many people there but it was cool. Will and India went off to do there own thing and me and Lucas sat in the sand.

"So bae what was your first impression on me?"Lucas as, I smile.

"Damn he is fine."I say as he laughs.

"What about you?"I ask.

He thinks for a minute.

"What the hell."He say as I shake my head and hit him.

"But now I can't get enough of you."He say as he pecks my lips.

"Better uh did you find out who robbed the trap?"I ask he looks at me susprised.

"How did you know about that?"He ask.

"I overheard you and Will talking in the kitchen."I say.

"Oh but no we haven't found out but we wanna stay low for a minute."He say.

I nod some girls walked past, Smiling and blushing while looking at Lucas I rolled my eyes. I guess Lucas seen me and he pecked my lips.

"They can never compare to you."He say as I smile.

India and Will come sit down by us.

"What's up bitches what y'all talking about?"India say.

Me and Lucas laugh.

"Nothing but I'm getting thirsy y'all want something to drink?"I ask.

"Yeah get me a mountain dew."Lucas say.

"And two pepsi's"India say as I nod and walk away.

"STOP MOVING SO FAST!"Lucas yells as I laugh.

"Wassup beautiful what can I get you?"The waitress ask.

"Let me get two pepsi's and two mountain dew's."I say.

"Coming right up."He say as He walks away.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls."I looked up and there stood Carter.

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