Chapter 11

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Lucas POV

I woke up and Bree was not on my chest anymore. I got up washed my face and brushed my teeth and went downstairs, Bree was on the phone I wanted to be nosey so I stayed back.

"I'm fine India.....yes I forgaved him... No we didn't have sex.....we was amazing......he just makes me feel so I don't know.....but I have to go love you to."She say as she hangs up.

I stomp like I was coming down the stairs to make it seem like that and walked in the living room.

"Goodmorning."She say as I open her legs and sit down in between them.

"Goodmorning."I say as I lean my head back.

She pecks my lips.

"What's the move for today?"She ask as she plays in my curls.

"Well We gone-"I got interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Hello."I say.

"Aye we gotta meeting in 45 minutes."Will say.

"Damn ight."I say as I hang up.

"What's wrong?"Bree ask.

"Work calls."I say.

"Ohhh well I'm going to go."She say as she gets up.

"Gimme a kiss."I say as I poke my lips up.

She peck my lips and grab her purse.

"See you later."She say as she leaves.

I got up and took a shower and got dressed and left. The drive to the trap was quick.

"Wassup Lucas boss want to see you."Dre says I nod and go to the boss office.

"Dre said you wanted to see me."I say.

"Yeah young blood sit down."He say I sit down.

"I have found out a few months ago I have cancer and I don't have long."He say.

"But what about kemo and shit like that?"I ask.

He chuckles.

"I refused it.....It's my time to go I'm tired of this business and all this shit but I do want to give it to people I trust."He say I already knew what was about to happen.

"So what are you saying?"I ask.

"I want you to take over this shit."He say.

"Say what?"I ask.

"Take over."He says.

I had to process this shit. I mean I wasn't planning on being in this shit for the rest of my life I only want to make enough money to live off of.

"So what do you say?"He ask.

"Uh......can Will be apart to?"I ask.

"Of course."He say.

"Then...Yeah."I say.

"Good now let's go make this public."He say as we leave his office Will was walking in the trap.

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