Chapter 32

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Will POV.

I woke up to banging on the hotel door. I went to go answer it and it was one of them big niggas.

"Can I help you?"I ask.

"You have 30 minutes to get dress your jet leaves in an hour."He say I roll my eyes and slammed the door on his face.

Lucas was already up starring at a photo of what I'm assuming is Bree.

"She must have put that in yo bag."I say.

He nods and put it in his pocket.

I took a quick shower and got dressed.

"It's really that time huh."Lucas say.

"Man be careful and play ya role that bitch Brook is crazy and you know it."I say.

He nods and gives me a manly hug.

"Take care bro."I say as He nods. I got into the car and was escorted to the airport.

Bree POV.

So today is the day Lucas and Will are supposed to be back I can't wait to tell Lucas I'm pregnant. India got a text from Will saying he was on a private jet which means they were going to be back faster than usually. I wonder why Lucas didn't text me.

"So are you excited to see Lucas?"India ask.

"Hell yeah I can't wait."I say.

"Good."She say as I smile.

"What about you are you excited to see Will?"I ask.

"Hell yes."She say I laugh.


hour later.

India got a call from Will telling her he was here but I still haven't got a call or a text from Lucas I was starting to get worried. We pulled up to the airport and India got out fast as hell and ran into the airport I laughed and followed.

"WILL!"India yells as she runs to him he drops his bags.

"BABY!"He yells as he picks her up she wraps her legs around his waist.

I was looking around for Lucas.

"Will where's Lucas?"I ask.

Will looks at me with a sympathetic look, I already knew what it was how can I recieve the best news of my life to only get the worst. My knees got weak as I just broke down crying will and India gave me a hug telling me it was going to be ok. I knew at this moment my whole life was going to change. Lucas was gone and there was no coming back.

"He's gone what about the baby? What about our seven kids? What about marriage?"I ask as I cried harder. All these questions ran through my head.

"Shh it's going to be ok."India say as she rubs my back.

I was still in the airport people was looking at me but I didn't care at this moment.

"No it's would you feel if Will didn't MAKE it back? But he did so don't tell me IT'S going to be ok whne you have the love of yo life by your side. When mines dead."I snap as I stood to feet.

"Come on Bree let's get you home."Will say.

I sniffed and walked to the car. The drive home was long as ever as soon as we got in the house I ran straight to Lucas and I room and jumped face first into the bed.

Will POV.

"I can't believe he's gone."India say as I flop down on the couch.

"You I can't believe it like he was right behind me and when I turned around he got shot...right in the head."I say lying I hate lying to India.

"You have no type lf reaction to this do you?"She ask.

"I cry on my own time right now we gotta concentrate on Bree you already know how she was when Lucas got shot."I say.

India tears up.

"Don't cry baby."I say as I pulled her to my chest.

"I-it's j-just Bree won't be the same."She say as she cries into my chest.

"Shhh I know I know."I say as I rub her back.

"And plus she has the baby and the stress is going to be sky high."She say as she sniff.

"We are going to make sure it's not ok."I say.

She nodded and continued crying. How long can I keep this lie up?

Damn bro.

If only Bree knew the truth.

I know it's short don't remind me.

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