Chapter 24

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Bree POV.

Today is the day Lucas will be getting out the hospital and I'm happy he's getting out. I'm a little nervous about doing this plan shit though.

"BREE!"Lucas yells.

"Huh."I say.

"I said you ready?"He ask.

"Uh yeah."I say as he nods and grabs my hand.

We walk out the hospital and to my car.

"I'm glad to be out that fuckin place."Lucas say.

"Yeah."I say dry as I start the car up and back out the parking lot.

"Whats wrong with you?"He ask.

"Nothing."I say.

He grabs my hand and kiss it.

"Don't stress over it."He say.

I sigh and nod.

"When do you want me to make the call?"I ask.

"Tonight."He say.

I nod.

"You hungry?"I ask.

"Nah."He say.

Once we got to his house, Lucas went straight to the bedroom. I followed behind and layed down, I haven't slept much since Lucas was in the hospital.

"You sleepy?"He ask.

I nod and begin drifting to sleep.

Lucas POV

I can tell Bree is a ride or die chick. When she begin falling asleep it showed me she ain't really get much sleep when she was in the hospital.

I layed down beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I wanted Bree to move in my house because my house is bigger. I played in her hair while she was sleep and stared at her face. I hope tonight goes as planned because I need to kill Carter immediately.

I put my head in the crook of Bree neck and was dozing off.

Later that night.

"Baby wake up it's time."I say shaking Bree.

She moved around but didn't wake up.

"Bree get up you got to call Carter."I say.

She lifted her head up and yawned. She grabbed her phone and went to the bathroom.

Bree POV.

I rubbed the eye boogers out my eyes and dialed Carter number. He answered on the 2nd ring.

"Bree."He say.

"Uh hey Carter can we meet up?"I ask.

"Why is something wrong?"He ask.

"Yeah we need to talk about what happen between you and Lucas."I say.

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