Hogwarts (Part 2)

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*Diablous' POV*

Dudley, the twins and I had bought everything we needed for school and we stood in the living room saying our goodbyes to "Aunt" Petunia.

We headed out the door, going to King's Cross with our trunks hidden in our pockets.

We walked to the wall between platforms nine and ten and ran right at the wall. We appeared on platform nine and three quarters and smiled.

We headed to the train, our eyes looking for other people our age and they came to rest upon a girl our age with dirty blonde hair, a girl with wispy platinum blonde hair, a girl with short blonde hair who had some promise, a gaggle of red-heads, a boy with short blonde hair, a girl with black hair followed closely by a girl with neon pink and red hair, a girl with wavy black hair, a girl with black hair and tan skin, a rather plump boy with dark hair, and a girl with red/orange hair.

I smiled, nodding my head to the people I knew would be on our side and walked to the train, my hand in Dudley's, Luna and Allen walking hand in hand behind us.

*Sierra's POV*

I watched my sister as she ran to the train, eager to start the seven hour ride, and shook my head. If only she knew who would be at Hogwarts this year.

If only she knew.

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If you liked this part please vote/comment.

I hope you liked getting to know the twins' names and being introduced to some "new" characters.

Thank you for reading.

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