Miss Belladonna

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*Dia's POV*

I looked at everyone as I sat at the head of the table. My siblings to my right and the twins to my left. I sighed, my mind being filled with not only their thoughts but also those of the pack in Seattle.

"Why are we being lead by him?" asked the newest member, the white wolf from Seattle.

"Because my Father put me in charge. Because I rescued you. Because I am the one with the most power here." I stood up from my chair and looked at Bill. "Have Uncle Luc's plane prepared and ready to fly out as soon as possible."

"Destination?" He asked.

"Seattle, Washington, USA." I responded and walked out of the RoR.

I quietly wandered the halls, eventually ending up in the library. I wandered around, pulling Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander off the shelf and retreating to a small sitting area hidden in a small nook in the back of the library.

I was reading for quite sometime before I was approached by one of my housemates in fifth year. She reminded me a little of one of those Disney characters, not the princess but the adorable animal sidekick. I smiled at her, and patted the seat next to me.

She sat down and began reading her book. I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder. She needs someone and I hope I can be that person.


The character that appears in the chapter is described here.

Name- Jace Belladonna

House- Slytherin

Age- 15

Best subject- potions

Worst- DADA

Des- short and skinny, short dark brown hair and dark brownish eyes. Paler in skin color. A Pureblood who doesn't mind muggleborns as much. 

Wand- unicorn hair and Ebony 

Her parents are dead and she has grown up on the streets selling potions made of stolen ingredients. A death eater found her and took her in as she delved deeper into the knowledge of potions. She's pretty wild and has an okay voice. Her humor is to die for, but she's cold and violent at times. She's working hard and convinced Snape to let her use the labs to invent. She dreams of becoming a potions master.

Friends- none really.

Creature- half siren. She draws out her 's's though more than usual when she talks. Shunned for being a 'dark child, some, monstrosity as she was called'

Thank you for reading this part. Vote, comment, follow me, or whatever. Later y'all.

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