Mates Special

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A/n: this does not affect the story in anyway. It is purely for the sake of something to read while I work on the next part and getting all the votes in.

Phobos sat with Mystery, their fingers intertwined. Amelia talked with Neville, as the other mated pairs sat around them.

Emma and Draco talked about their backgrounds. Draco leaving out a few parts about Lucious and Emma leaving out a few parts about her parents.

Allen and Luna (Lovegood) sat with their heads together.

Ivoree was having a conversation with Blaise telepathically.

All in all, the mated pairs were having a good time.

And nothing bad happened that day whatsoever.

A/n: I know this one is like über short, but I couldn't think of anything. So there you go. I'm still taking votes for who Dia should end up with (so far Gred and Forge are in the lead!!!) Until next time ~MrsDiablousRiddle 💋

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