The Cullen-Black Treaty Part 2

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*Jacob's POV*

I looked at the wolves around me, pride filling me to the max. I looked to my side, the elegant wife wolf strode towards our gathering. Her head held high as a small raventte slid from her back.

The small raventte radiated power, drawing all eyes to him small form. The small ravenette looked at the wolves surrounding him, their eyes only catching a glimpse of the power the ravenette possessed.

I smiled, squatting to be on his level and pulled him close.

"Hello little one." I said and ruffled his hair.

He shook me off and looked at my pack, their gazes immediately shifting to the ground.

"The next wolf to reveal himself to a human without permission from my people will receive a punishment. Each time after it will get worse. If one of my colleagues or I is sent here, we will be taking the wolf responsible back with us, collared." He leveled a glare at the wolves causing them all to shift back. "Am I understood?"

They nodded, knowing being collared was the worst thing for a wolf.

We bade our tiny guest farewell as he strode off towards the white wolf. Her head turning to look at us, a smirk on her face and strode off after he got atop her back.

*Sierra's POV*

I looked at my little mate's friends, anger filling my eyes as I looked at the redheads who had him wrapped around their fingers. I ran at them, knocking them over and repeatedly punching their faces.

"You bastards! You took him away from me!" I said as I felt someone pull me off of them.

"You pushed him away!" The younger yelled as he held his broken nose.

"We were there when you left him out in the snow!!" The older said and applied pressure to his bleeding lip.

"Stay away from my brother." Dudley said, coming between the gingers and standing firmly.

"You don't get to rule your brother's life!!" I screamed

"My muggle father gave him Hell since the day he was given to us to the day we left. I'm protecting my brother from another abusive relationship." Dudley said, stunning everyone around them.

*General 3rd POV*

"That's quiet enough, Brother." Dia said, stepping into the room the white blonde haired girl following quietly. "I believe we should all retire for the afternoon and come together at dinner with better attitudes."

Dia grabbed the twins' hands, pulling them to their shared bedroom. The other mated pairs went to their room and the white blonde haired girl sat guard outside the house.

She was joined by Jacob, Seth, Sam, Quill, Emery, and Leah sometime later. The wolves protected the wizards, and the wizards cast a wordless wandless charm to protect the wolves.

Dinner was chaos and everyone retired to bed for the night, their hearts filling with dread at the knowledge that tomorrow, they would be heading home.

I hope you all like this previous 490 words, it's not very long but you guys deserved an update. Thank you for waiting.

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