Nearly there and more people came?!?!

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*General 3rd POV*

They were literally a week away from winter holidays, when at least nine others joined.

Ivoree, Draco's sister, was the first. She walked right into the RoR, stared at Dia, demanded to be in their group and swore she would beat up Ron.

Jessica, one of their fellow snakes, was the second. She walked in, the RoR full of laughter, going up to Bill, poking his chest, and demanding to see their leader. Dia looked up at her, as literally everyone is taller than him, and said with a straight face, "I'm their leader." She cooed at him, knowing he'd be much happier with the set of ginger twins than the girl he would end up with.

Phobos and Mystery were next. Silently joining their ranks one morning at breakfast. After them was Lila's sister, Evie, who followed her sister to a meeting once.

Yuuki and Emma came afterwards, two days later, and were immediately welcomed in, despite the fact one was Muggleborn.

The last was a small purple and green haired mudblood by the name of Amelia. She was only there because Dia had saved her life one day and she owed him.

With the group of now more then twenty, the cozy cottage they had was much too small. Sierra changed it into a decent sized family home, the mates (unknown or not) were paired up and put in rooms together, everyone else chose a roommate and went on their merry way, that is, except Dia.

*Dia's POV*

"But I don't want to room with a girl. I want to stay with Dudley." I pitching a fit, my need to stay with Dudley no one else understood.

"Diablous Sirius Riddle. You are rooming with me and that is final." Sierra said, her voice thick with dominance.

I whimpered, backing up slightly away from the dominant.

Jess wrapped her arms around me, only making the dominant angrier.

"Diablous Sirius Riddle. Here. Now." She commanded and I followed her command, my head hanging as I did.

Phobos and Mystery had gone off to their room, the others as well, all except the twins (both sets), Jess, Dudley, Pansy, Amelia, Sierra and I.

"He wants to stay with his brother, what's bad about that?" Jess had asked, knowing that as my "sister" she had every right.

"Because whether he knows it or not he's my mate and I do not share." The dominant hissed as we all finally went to our rooms.

That night I couldn't sleep, and nearly every other night for the rest of the week.

I needed Dudley to keep the "nightmares" away, and no one else could help.

*Sierra's POV*

I looked down at my little mate, wondering why he hated me. I couldn't get over the feeling of being a terrible dominant, at least to this mate.

I sighed, running my fingers through Dia's hair as he napped.

What was I to do?

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