Thingy for Future Harry Potter Books.

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Okay everyone, it's been like four, almost five, months since this story had a rushed finish. I promise I'm going to rewrite it, eventually. But for now, I have a task for each and everyone of you.

Comment a blood status (Pure-blood, Half-blood, Muggleborn, Muggle, or Squib), creature, animagi status, first name, last name, relationship status, wand wood, wand core, wand length, hair type, hair length, hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, house, side of the Wizard War, ethnicity, profession, OR area of Europe to live (i.e. Surrey, Muggle London, Hogsmeade, etc.) and I will randomly select characteristics for characters of a new fanfiction.

Or, if you want to make your own character, please DM or email me your character. Email me at, I await your comments, characters and what have you.

Leave comments here, on this line and please identify what you're commenting. I don't want to accidentally make someone's name Portugal Smith and have them have aquamarine skin and beige eyes.

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