The Cullen-Black Treaty Part 1

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*General 3rd POV*

Our group had gotten off the plane, being met by a muggle and her father at the airport. Lucious and Tom had arranged for them to have multiple cars, to not stand out. The oldest three Weasleys and Sierra had offered to drive, they were practically the only ones who can drive anyways.

(Pictures of the cars, because we have twenty four people.

(Pictures of the cars, because we have twenty four people

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If anyone has any questions about the cars/seating arrangement just comment or message me

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If anyone has any questions about the cars/seating arrangement just comment or message me.)

After everyone was in the cars, they silently drove to the house on the edge of the Black property.

After everyone was in the cars, they silently drove to the house on the edge of the Black property

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As the kids filed out of the cars, a group of wolves crashed out of the forest behind the house. Their leader, a large, not Alpha large but pretty big, black wolf strode up to them, smelling them all. He stopped at Sam, shifting back and bowing before her.

"My Alpha." He said casually, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

The other wolves all shifted back and bowed, the kids looking at them confused.

An Alpha large brown wolf trotted up followed by three slightly smaller wolves. The Alpha shifted, all of the shifted men quickly putting on shorts, and walked up to the small ravenette.

"Cousin." He smiled. "It's good to have you here."

Two of the wolves, (picture to follow) shifted as well. They quickly pulled on clothes and stood behind their leader.

 They quickly pulled on clothes and stood behind their leader

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"Jake." The girl said. "How do we know we can trust them?"

"They wouldn't have wandered onto Quilluete land if they weren't harmless." The boy, her younger brother, said.

The third wolf shifted, her clothes still in place, and her white-blonde hair with black tips flowed down to her knees.

"Welcome friends." She greeted with a slight German accent.

The kids looked at her, all but two wondering what she is. Dia regarded her with the same respect he had for the man he was named after, and Sam smiled.

The kids and the wolves got along, until the Cullens broke through the forest and the Weasleys had all of the smaller kids behind them, the wolves shifted back and created a circle around them.

"What do you blood suckers want?" Jacob asked as he stood in front of the circle.

Carlisle came forward, his hands raised above his head. "I mean you no harm."

Sierra quickly broke free of the circle and threw herself into the older vampire's arms.

Dia nodded, knowing she was where she belonged and looked at the girl with white-blonde hair.

"I, Diablous Sirius Riddle, ask you to join my friends and I."

Fred smiled, wrapping an arm loosely around the smaller boy.

The kids smiled and everyone went into the house, retiring for the night.

Tomorrow held wonders anyone could imagine. But no one wanted to.

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