Dumbledore and the Dursleys

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*General 3rd POV*

It was later that same day, or was it early the next morning, when Albus Dumbledore and his Order arrived at 4 Privet Drive with a very unhappy child. Had Minerva and Severus not been working with Tom for as long as they had they wouldn't have known this was his child.

When Albus knocked on the door a rather large man opened it. With his purple face the man, known as Vernon Dursley, looked at the large bearded man and his friends with disgust filling his eyes.

"What do you want?" He sneered as his wife, holding their now a little over two month old son, came into view behind him.

"May we come in?" Albus asked, holding back the words he dare not speak in front of the muggles.

The man nodded, and moved out of the way so the gathering of people could enter.

A mere ten minutes later the Dursleys were in charge of one "Harry James Potter".

~Dudley and "Harry" age three~

Dudley was wrapped around this boy who he had always been with. He was making the toys in front of them float.

The boy stopped and looked up at Dudley, motioning to the toys. Dudley shook his head, looking down at his brother, not noticing the toys floating by his powers.

"Petunia! That freakish child of your sister's is doing that freaky stuff again!" Vernon bellowed from the doorway.

Petunia quickly walked to the room and swooped up her nephew, making her own son give her a dirty look and make the blocks smash into the wall.

|are you okay Dia?| Dudley asked his brother through their link.

|I fear that Father is going to get upset that my "freakishness rubbed off on you."| Harry replied.

Dudley frowned, channeling the magic inside him to throw the blocks at his father.

Vernon sneered at the boys, walking towards them to beat the magic out of the one who started it.

He had barely laid a hand upon him when he was blasted back.

"Don't touch my brother." Dudley stated as he gently tugged his brother out of his mother's arms, his own wrapping around him.

"Get out." Vernon growled. The boys going and packing a small bag each.

Petunia slapped her whale of a husband and went to pack her own bag.

~Dudley and "Harry" age five~

It had only been two years before they had both mastered controlling their magic. They had also met two other children their age who were also wizards.

The kids were all sitting around the table in Petunia's inherited home. They had finished their assignment hours ago, the twins just didn't want to leave.

Diablous had taught them how to talk in their minds and they all smiled, sharing the same thought.

\Albus is going to rue the day he became headmaster.\

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