With Love

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Quick A/N. ∆talking∆ represents Gobbledegook. Back to story

*Dia's POV*

I sat there, just staring at the walls. I could hear everyone talking around me but, nobody talking to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my left, seeing Narcissa sitting next to me.

"Are you okay? Are they even paying attention to you?" Narcissa whispered and gave me a smile.

I smiled at her and nodded. "I just miss everyone."

She gave me a maternal smile and nodded.

Antonin cleared his throat and caused us all to look at him. "We need to get back at the creatures who hurt him."

"I know what we could do." Fenrir growled out.

"No. We're not turning them." Lucious snarled back at the man.

"Do we have to do something?" I asked in a quiet voice.

My father crouched before me, "hey, they need to be punished for what they did. They don't get to attack you like that. Never."

I nodded and clasped the locket around my neck. "Father, would it be alright if I went to spend time with her?"

I heard every male in the room give a quiet "awe" at that and knew that I would be able to.

~Petunia's flat~

"Baby." My mother said while hugging me, tears streaming down both of our faces.

"Mommy." She held me close and ran her hands over my hair and my back.

"What did they do to you? What did they do? Lily never came home like this." She glared at my father over the top of my head.

"A group of older students beat him up. Severus brought him to me as soon as he found him." He stated in a concerned tone.

"Take me to the goblins. Now." She demanded.

"Of course" he nodded and wrapped us in a hug and apparated to Gringotts.

We strode in, my heart pounding. My mother stopped and mustered up all of her courage.

∆I need an inheritance test, a bloodline test, whatever it is that you do to find out about spells placed on a person done. On myself.∆ She spoke in a language I had heard the goblins use to talk amongst themselves.

Many of the goblins nodded and summoned the head goblin.

∆I am Braatveex, I am the head goblin and I will preform this ritual you ask for.∆ he bowed to mom and lead her away.

Father and I waited for hours until the head goblin came back, followed by a very beautiful woman. I felt the magic in the room and realized the woman had red hair and jade green eyes and was smiling at me.

"Mommy?" I whispered and looked hopeful.

"My baby." She ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"What happened?" Father asked.

"A wizard cast a very powerful, very ancient spell on her when she was very little. And it's hidden her magic until this day." Braatveex said in the common tongue.

"And, I'm the only living descendant of a very powerful man." Mom smiled as she rubbed my arm.

"Who?" Father asked as he pulled the both of us close.

At that minute, Lord Yaxley ran into the bank. "You found her? You found my baby girl?"

Braatveex nodded and smiled.

"Hello Lord Riddle." Lord Yaxley said and held out his hand to Dad.

"Lord Yaxley." They shook hands and Mom looked at the older man with a look of shock on her face.

"You said you found her." He again addressed the goblin.

"Meet your daughter." He held out his hand, indicating Mom and Lord Yaxley teared up.

"Maureen Yaxley. My baby girl." He started crying and hugged Mom. "Thank you Lord Riddle. Thank you for giving her back to me."

"Always." Dad said, with a kiss to the top of my head. "I know how it feels to be away from your child."

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