Statue of Dusk

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A/N please look for the A/N at the end to learn more about the progress of this story and future stories in this series.

*Dia's POV*

I looked at the family, my family, and smiled. It had been many long months since we had all come together, mother, father, grandfather, myself, the Malfoy's, and the Death Eaters.

The group and I had gone through so many changes and through it all, we all had each other. And for that, I couldn't have been more grateful.

*George's POV* 

My brother and I sat at the table, our mate stood to the left of us with his parents. We looked at each other and smiled.

We couldn't have asked for anything else.

*Kora's POV*

I looked around, seeing my father smiling at the group. He wasn't missing Sierra, and although I knew what she had done, I couldn't help but miss her.

I saw Diablous, his face broke out in a smile, and looked to see the twins sat to his left. I knew he was with people who cared and loved him and that's all I could have wanted for our boy king.

*Daphne's POV*

Mother stared down at me, her eyes beating into the back of my head. Her distaste for most of my friends was smothering.

"If you have a problem with my friends, I would guess that Lord Riddle would allow me to stay with him." I stated.

"If you're so sure of it, then why don't you go live with him?" Mother retorted and left quickly.

I looked at Lord Riddle, his eyes connected with mine and understood what was going on. He nodded and we shared a smile.

*Percy's POV*

My younger brothers were happy and that's all Bill, Charlie and I could ask for them. We smiled and decided that night we would take our tests and leave. We had done what we needed to do.

We nodded and smiled, our lives getting ready to be put back in motion.

The End (for Now)

A/N if you've made it this far, thank you for sticking around with me through this journey. I am going to write more in this series, with spin-offs of this story and some sequels. Give me some Harry Potter quotes to turn into book titles, maybe you'll see them in the future.

Thank you.

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