The Group Enlarges

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*Diabolous' POV*

We sat on the train, our compartment filled with the kids we saw in the station. The girl with the short blonde hair introduced herself as Daphne Greengrass. She and her friend, the boy with the short slicked back blonde hair who's name is Draco Malfoy, had been friends for years. The girl with the wispy platinum blonde hair was Luna Lovegood, daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora, a seer who already knew our cause. The dirty blonde haired girl went by the name Lila Lestrange, a cousin of Draco's, was accompanied by two girls by the name of Snape. Kora and Sierra joined our cause along with their friend.

I sat on Dudley's lap, his arms wrapped around my waist, protecting me from the pureblood wizards in the compartment. I looked at our odd gathering. Father would be proud, his Junior Death Eaters had found his Dark Prince.

My head sang, all of their thoughts flooding my brain and made it ring. I grabbed my Luna's hand and she knew what was wrong.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself." she barked and her brother nodded silently.

Everyone's thoughts immediately stopped, their faces showing fear and shock. They started chatting among each other as there was a knock on our door.

I nodded and Sierra made the room bigger, knowing we'd be adding more people to our cause.

Five red-heads walked into the compartment, the door shutting behind them.

"We've head that you're something of a miracle." The oldest said, his brothers falling into a small pack behind him.

"Who? Me?" I asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer. "What brings you here Bill? Didn't your mother teach you not to mess with Death Eaters?"

"Of course my mother did. Did your's?" Bill replied, his voice full of confidence.

"Charlie, Percy, Fred and George. It's a pleasure to see you four." I said.

The rest of the train ride was quite, quiet. Knowing my group, it wouldn't last long.

We got to the school, our pulses racing. McGonagall met us after the hour boat ride at the front of the school. She welcomed us and we all smiled. This will be a lot of fun.

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