20 Questions

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I smiled at him. Dad's a real big goof, but he's a nice big goof. He wouldn't have the slightest idea what constitutes a felony in the state of New York since he never understood these security things, and when it came to me, he tends to take things out of proportion seeing as I'm his "little girl"... I'm almost 17 dad, I thought to myself. 

"It's not a fire hydrant" I said,"It's a parking meter. And I have four more bags." 

"Four?" Dad pretended he was shocked. "What do you think you're doing? Moving in?" 

Did I mention he thinks he's a comedian?.....He's not, he's a carpenter. 

"Oh Charlotte," Carole said enthusiastically. "I'm so glad you're here. I hope you'll like the room you'll have for now." .....for now? 

We drove to Carole's house. It looked real pretty from the outside. Several coloured flowers splashed beautiful colours on infront of the peach stone walls. As we walked inside, I noticed something strange... there wasn't much furniture which was pretty wierd... 

“Just make yourself at home, honey" Carole said, setting her bag on a small coffee table and got out her keys and mobile phone.

“Okay! Now that we are all here, why don’t I start dinner! Won’t that be just fantastic!” She beamed at Dad, and then began banging open cabinets.

"Will, why don't you help Charlotte take her bags to her room." She smiled. 

"Sure mum." 

We each grabbed an equal amount of bags, although I kind of cheated since I knew which all of the light ones were. 

"Here you go, Charlotte" He said, putting my bags behind the door. 

"It's Charlie Please, I hate that girly name." He chuckled. My duffle bag dropped at my feet on the white shag carpet on its own accord as I went to sit on my bed. 

"So..." I looked at the ceiling. 


"You're my bro now... well, soon if you wanna make it official. Pretty cool don't you think?" 

"Yeah, totally. I'm actually really happy it's you, Charlie. I thought you were some spoiled girly girl but you seem really awesome." 

"Guilty as charged." I laughed, he did too. "We should get to know eachother more. 

"Yeah okay, 20 questions?" 

"Yeah, you first." 

"Hmmm.... What's the most dangerous thing you've ever done?" 

"Hmm... I bit my tongue once." I joked he just stifled a laugh.

"Okay, if you could have one superpower, what would it be?" 

"Well," He began "Mind reading would be cool. It would definately make my life easier....What do you like watching the most on television?" 

"I actually don't watch much but when I'm depressed, I watch sponge bob." He laughed at this.

"You'd be awesome too if you lived in a pineapple!!" He was choking a bit at this point.

"Who's played the most influential part in your life?" 

"I'd say, my dad. He helped me realize that what others think doesn't really matter and helped me be myself." 

"Awww....Daddy's boy." 

"Shut up! Wow I already feel as if you're my sister." He stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favour.

"Where's your favorite place in the whole world?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"I don't know... my bed?" He chuckled.

What? I like to sleep! Who are your most loyal friends?" 

"I have quite a few. I'll be sure to introduce you when you start school. I'm gonna steal your question, Who's played the most influential part in your life?" 

"My mum. She died a long time ago. I still haven't gotten quite over it though. I was living with my aunt because I couldn't be around Dad's new girlfriend but I've gotten over that." 

"I'm sorry about that and I definately get what you mena. If you'll need a shoulder to cry on I'm always here for you." 

"Thanks bro." 

"No prob. Hey, you want to go see the new house?" 

"New house? Oh... " 

"You're amazing" He said sarcastically, dragging me out of the house yelling we were leaving as he slammed the front door shut. 

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