Losing Everything

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Losing Everything

My stomach churned when I saw Claire's lips pressed to Chris'. My heart shattered into a million of tiny little pieces... I can't believe I had thought he was different... I walked away silently, not wanting him to notice me. 

"You should continue dancing with your friends, that was a brilliant show." Gerard said, still laughing. I dropped my head; not responding and continued to head for my dorm room. I felt bad for ignoring Gerard but I couldn't really think straight. His smiled automatically faded as he noticed something had happened. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I...I need some air." I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"What happened Charlie?" 

"He...Chris kissed...Claire." I chocked out between one sob and another. His jaw dropped. I'm guessing he didn't expect it either. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and seemed to be at a loss for words. When he didn't respond, I quickly turned my back to him.

Chris' P.O.V 

"Hey, Ger." 

"What?" Gerard replied with disgust in his voice while glaring, his face full of utter hatred. Charlie was like a sister to him and he took her tears and pain personally.

"What was that for?" I asked, slightly confused by his actions. 

"Like you don't know." 

"I don't!" I threw my hands in the air as if I was about to surrender.

"How could you do that to her, Chris?! She does everything for you. She loves you so much, more than any girl ever has.  And you just go around kissing other girls like she can't feel it! Wh-" 

"Whoa, what?" 

"She saw you kissing another girl, Chris and Claire! I mean, I bet it would've hurt her if it were anybody else too but her school rival? Honestly? How low are you willing to go?" Gerard said, looking away as if he were ashamed of me.

"Ger, it wasn't my fault. I pushed her off" He sighed.

"She's near the lake." 

"It's raining outside." 

"Don't think she really cares at the moment, mate." 

Rain poured down by the buckets. I completely ignored the cold rain touching my skin and began to run towards the lake. I saw a figure sitting down looking out towards the abyss. 


The girl, that sat in front of the water, didn't respond. I knew it was her and she knew it was me but she wouldn't turn around. I called her name again, louder this time. She turned her head.It looked like I had put her through hell. No words could describe how horrible i was feeling. She stood up quickly and began to walk away and I that's what hurt the most. She wouldn't even look at me. I ran after her.When I reached her, I grabbed her wrist and spun her around, making her face me. 

"Charlie, please. Just let me explain." She stared down at the wet ground. 

"She came onto me." She shook her head. She's not going to believe me. 

"It's true! Please, just listen to me. I would never, ever hurt you. Please don't tell me that you think I would. I love you more than my own life." She looked up into my eyes and my breathing stopped. She turned around. This time I grabbed her waist. 

"Charlie, please don't walk away from me." She continued to look down and remained completely silent. I put my finger under her chin making her eyes meet mine. 

"Talk to me." It came out in a whisper. I then realized that I was crying. She wouldn't talk. She wouldn't tell me anything. I crushed my lips to hers, putting as much passion as I could but it wasn't the same. She wasn't kissing me back. I pulled away and placed my hands on her cheeks and placing my forehead to hers. 

"Please?" I asked in a hushed tone. The tears continued to stream down her face. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. 

"I thought you said you loved me." Her voice sounded so broken. 

That hurt me more than I can explain. I loved her with all my heart but the pain that shot through me was too much to bear, i couldn't move... couldn't speak.. She looked a me...waiting for a response. She put her hand over her mouth, crying as she turned for one last time and walked away. I sat down on the ground and put my face in my hands. I just lost everything. 

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