Oh Problems...

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Oh Problems...

A while had passed since that day. I just hung out with my regular girlfriends, Oliver and Gerard. Oliver and I also got really close over the weeks that passed. He was like my brother and I told him everything. I stayed with him a bit more than Gerard though, I think I was just worried that he might tell Chris something I'd say. When walking in hallways, Chris would always look at me... always with the same look on his face. I had to move on, so, I acted like it didn't matter anymore. I'd joke around with other boys in the common room, to make it seem like I was forgetting it all and it seemed to be working because Chris stopped trying to talk to me. 

I couldn't possibly go to the Gerard's this summer for obvious reasons, including the fact that it would be really awkward. Kat was kind enough to make me a proposal to join her with her family, just for the summer holidays. I was trilled, Kat was truly a wonderful friend and she tried her best to make me feel better about the situation I was in. To make sure I could go to Kat's in summer I went to ask dad. 

"Once again, Charlie...I know you are in here." he said with a small laugh. 

"How the hell did you notice?! " I asked, moving from behind a bookshelf.

"I know why you are here... how are you doing?It's been a while now... after the..." He paused, "Incident" 

"I'm better than expected ." I said with a smile. "Kat wants me to stay with her this summer. That all right with you Gramps?" 

"Of course, Kat's a great girl" He says with a smile. 

"Thank you." I said hugging him. 

I went to tell Kat that I was now allowed to go with her and ran to my room to pack my things. I loved Summer clothes. They express my style and personality, so I had tons of them. My luggage was now entirely filled with tank tops and jeans shorts. It was the last day of school and they did a sort of get together for all the students. I met Kat in the main hall and said goodbye to all of my friends. Jenna actually cried a bit. She was so sweet. I hugged Gerard and gave a big hug to Oliver. I was going to miss his comforting and funny personality. Chris just stood in a corner, arms crossed with an angry expression on his face. What's his problem? Isn't it his fault we broke up? 

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