The Brilliant Wal-Mart

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----The Next Day---- 

"Come on guys! It’s Sunday, we still have time to do something awesome!" Jenna said enthusiastically, trying to make us get up from the couch we'd been on all day. 

"What can we possibly do?" Andria asked. 

"Hey, how about we go and raid Walmart?" I suggested.

"Damn, never thought of that one before." Gerard said as I smiled triumphintly. I looked at Chris and he shrugged. 

"Sooooo, should we get a cab or take the bus?" He asked. I looked at him. 

"Yeah! Because we'll all fit in a cab" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me. 

"If some of us sat on each other then we would fit" Gerard said. Jen gave him a "That's-exactly-what-you-want-' look. He grinned at her and she laughed. 

"So cab it is" Chris said pumping his fist in the air. I sighed again and shook my head. 

"Oh come on miss dreary, have some fun" Jenna said elbowing me in the hurt. Kat was already calling for a two cabs to come to the back of the building. I was sitting on the ground playing with some rocks and Chris was humming somthing and was also on the ground across from me, making some sort of small tower of rocks. 

"So, is this the first time you're going to crash a store?" I asked him. 

"Yeah it is" he said excitedly. I smiled and tried to make a tower taller than his. 

"Have you ever raided a store?" He asked me. 

"No, I'm a little surprised everyone took me seriously, I was only joking at first" I replied. I heard a car coming in front of us. 

"Well, time to find out if we shouldn't have taken you seriously." Chris said getting up. He smiled and kicked my tower over. I glared at him and he laughed walking towards the cab.

"Alright so, who's sitting on who?" Gerard asked clapping his hands together. 

He was the first on the left side, then Chris and Mike. Will was upfront. So three people were sititng on the seats. Jenna went in on the left side and sat on Gerard. I smiled and sat on Mike since there was still some tension with me and Chris since he refused to tell me what was wrong. 

"I dont think this is legal" I said. Gerard smiled and put his arms around Jenna's waist and locked his hand in front of her. 

"There, it's like a seatbelt" He said. I rolled my eyes and looked at Jen. she wasn't paying attention to me. After about ten minutes, the cabs made a harsh stop at Walmart's magnificent parking lot. 

Jenna had pulled Gerard out of the cab and started walking towards the giant building. Chris was apparently already walking towards the building as I looked to the side. I smiled to myself and started running towards him. As soon as I got right behind him I took a full leap and jumped on his back. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders and leaned my head onto his. 

“Whoa, damn, don’t do that.” Chris said to me and smiled. 

“Well, I’m sorry Mr. Reeves, but it's always so easy” I replied with a laugh. 

“Do you need anything from here?” He asked me while holding onto me so I wouldn’t fall of his back. 

“Uhhh…..I don’t think I need anything, but I’m sure I’ll find something I want” I replied. I just knew he rolled his eyes at my comment. We turned around to look back at the cabs. There was of course Stefan walking slowly with Mike, Jenna and Gerard, Kat, Will and Andria. They were all in a group just laughing with each other. I watched Mike push Stefan around in a shopping cart, I got a bad feeling that we were going to be kicked out of here one way or another. 

“We’re going to be kicked out aren’t we?” I questioned while Chris spun back around to walk forward. He let out a loud laugh. 

“Most likely” He answered to my question. 

“Well….then we might as well take part in some of the fun, right?” I questioned with a smirk. 

“What do you have in mind?” He asked. I thought for a second. 

“Ohhh….I have some ideas” I said as we entered into the sliding doors. I slipped off Chris’back. As we entered in the store, Jenna and Gerard instantly ran to the Candy isle. I grabbed Chris' hand and pulled him over to them. 

“Stocking up, Jenna?” I asked with a smile. 

“Oh you know it” She said while throwing one of those 3 packs of gum into the cart that had all kinds of candy in it. I shook my head and giggled lightly. From the corner of my eye, I saw Chris give me a small smile. Chris just walked around hand in hand for a little while. In some ways I could tell he and I were going to have a normal relationship again. We walked over to the area where they had all the things for bathroom products. In the far corner I saw Mike with a bunch of boxes in his hands, it looked like he needed help so I dragged Chris along with me over to him. 

“You need help?” I asked and Mike looked up at me. 

“Uh…..Not really, I’m good” He replied while dropping one box of whatever he was holding. I shook my head and watched him wander around with all the boxes in his hands. 

“Sir! You can’t ride the bikes around the store!” I heard what I guessed was a Wal-Mart employee yelling behind us. I turned around and saw Will riding a small bike trying to get away from the guy. It was hilarious! 

“Oh god, If they all knew that all of us were together, we’d be so dead” I commented and turned back to Chris. 

“Oh, you should be used to it” he said and put his arm around my shoulder. We turned the corner and there of course Jenna and Gerard, jumping on a bed that was set up on display. It was right across from the shoes, so Chris and I looked. After a few minutes I decided to look back on the two of them. Oh yeah, they were still on the bed…..jumping? Not so much. They were both laying on it and yeah...they were on a full on make-out session. My eyes went wide at the sight. I knew it would happen one day but for some reason this still shocked me. An old woman hobbled up to them and started pocking Gerard in the back with her cane.The employees ran over and started yelling at them. They slowly climbed out of the bed. I laughed at Jenna and she flipped me off. 

“Enough of that” The employee said. 

“Kristen, take the cart and buy that for me!” She yelled at me. I looked over back to the bed and saw the cart she had before filled with candy and some other stuff. I shook my head and dragged myself over to the cart. 

“Let’s go Chris!” I called over to him. He walked behind me and kept stopping every so often to look at things. I walked over to the bras and stuff because I saw Mike, Will and Stefan clowning around while Matt put a Bra over his jacket and started walking around like that. I stifled a laugh. 

“Hey Char! This would look good on you!” Mike said and motioned to his chest where the bra was placed. I shook my head. After Chris and I passed them some employees promptly kicked them out too. I soon realized that we were the only ones that didn’t get kicked out yet. I sighed and looked up at him. 

“I know, what do you want to do?” He asked me with a smile. I winked at him and quickly jumped into the cart. Chris laughed and started running as fast as he could around the store pushing me around. We almost ran into so many people. 

“Hey!! You!! Stop!!!” Someone called from behind us. Apparently Chris wasn’t watching where he was pushing because he ran us straight into the bed that Lizzie and Puck were all over each other on. I was laughing so hard as I jumped out of the cart and laid on the bed. Chris came over to me and lay right next to me laughing as hard if not harder. I rolled over and hugged him around his waist and laid my head on his chest still trying to stop laughing. 

“Alright alright, get out of here!” A guy that looked older and more superior to any of the other workers. I breathed in and out trying to stop laughing. 

“Make me, Geezer” Chris said to the guy. My jaw dropped, but I was still laughing. Tears started to form in my eyes. 

“Get out of my store!” The guy yelled. Chris didn’t move at all but I got off of him and sat up on the bed. 

“Now!” The guy yelled once again. People were staring at us. I slipped off the bed and looked at Chris. 

“Come on lets go, Reeves” I said to him with a smile. He looked up at me and finally got off the bed and followed me to the door. There were about 3 security guards outside by everyone that already got kicked out just to make sure they didn’t come back inside. 

“There you are!” Gerard said and looked over at us. “We told these 'things' 
(reffering to the security guards) that we couldn’t leave yet because you were still in there, damn what took you so long!?” he shouted Chris pushed him with a smile. 

“Let’s go guys” I said and walked over to Mike. 

“Have fun?” He asked me and put his arm around my waist. This was pretty normal for Mike and no one really took it seriously because he constantly flirted with every girl he put his eyes on.

“Oh you bet, what about you in the lingerie?” I asked and laughed. 

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