Rock 'n' Pop

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Rock 'n' Pop

Chris took my hand and we walked together into the main hall. It looked entirely different without the  hundreds of chairs, it looked immensely bigger too. Instead, there were only a few round tables with several chairs posted round it for whom got tired dancing or just plainly didn’t want to. The tables were covered with beautiful silk material reaching precisely at the bottom as to not get dirty on the floor. We found a table quite close to the dance floor. Chris took me by the hand and we danced to a slow, melodious song, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. Once the song came to and end, I kissed him gently on the lips. 

Tons of Rock and Pop songs played on the massive speakers, the teenagers jumping up and down and fists in the air which moved according to the rhythm of the song currently playing. 
The boys got tired of dancing after the first two songs so we had to sit at the table and talk instead, that’s when Jenna’s mind came into action. She pulled Kat, Andria and I into a corner. 

“I’m bored just sitting there! I want to dance” 

“Tell me about it” Andria sighed. 

“I want to dance too but what can we possibly do? We can’t dance without a partner and they aren’t very willing to take the job.” I said as Kat shrugged. 

“How about, we make them come to the dance floor?” Jenna said while smirking. 

“What? Didn’t we just state that they don’t want to?!” Kat said in disbelief. 

“Hold on… Ha! Do you think we can even pull that off?” I asked. 

Andria and Kat were lost as Jenna and I continued the conversation. 

“What are you guys saying!?” Kat yelled in frustration. 

“We should give them a dance, they’ll never forget.” She said with yet another smirk. 

“Oohh!!” Andria and Kat said in unison. The girls and I went back to the table. 

“Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” Jenna asked. 

Gerard looked at Chrise who looked at the other guys, each giving a questioning look till they all turned to face us together and said no. 

“Your loss.” Andria smirked as we made our way onto the dance floor as a group. They boys turned around when ‘The way I are” by Timbaland started, right on queue. We began to dance, super close to each other, shaking our hips and moving down along the music when it came to the ref. All of our dates just stared in awe as we moved around the dance floor, glued in their position. By the time half the song was over, most of the boys joined us and we danced with them and that’s when something triggered. The boys got up from the table and pushed the other guys away from their respected dates. Chris and I danced to the next songs , pressing our bodies closely to each other. After at least five songs we went back at table. I sat down with the girls, laughing about how awesome Jenna’s mind and joked around with the others while Chris went to get himself a drink. 
After a while I got quite thirsty too and I wondered where he was. It shouldn’t take 25 minutes to get a glass of water surely! So I went to get myself a drink and find him when I came across something I never expected to see...

Cliff Hanger!

Okay, It's a know... but I wrote this story a few years ago, so it's a bit blunt but I hope you liked it. Next Chappie will be up soon :DD

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