The surprise

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And the next day, as promised, I found Chris leaning against his locker. He was bobbing his head from the music he was listening to, playing with his Mp3 player. As soon as he saw me he smiled and took his headphones out and placed them in his backpack. 

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I replied and leaned in to kiss him sofly on the lips. I tried to ignore the sratches and mere bruising on his lip and slightly under his eye but he seemed to notice me looking.

"I would tell up what happened, but I'm pretty sure that Gerard told you." He chuckled.

"Yeah...big mouth on that one." We laughed.


After the day of school, the guys had band practice. We all met up at Gerard's house and the girls and I sat in the corner as usual and stated our opinions on thier playing. They began playing 'Brother' by You Me At Six. Jenna pulled me up by my arms and we began dancing around to their playing. 

"I'm okay. You okay? We okay now?!" We sang at the top of our lungs. Rather badly actually. The rest of the group laughed at our stupidity. When the song finished, I walked over to Chris.

"You liked the song? Did we play it well?" He asked, standing up before he placed his drum sticks in his back pocket.

"Let's just say I have a new favourite band." I smiled. He returned it and kissed me lightly. Gerard wolf-whistled as usual and James put his arm around Jenna. 

"Come on, let's go for a walk." Chris said, grabbing his bag in one hand and my hand in the other. I yelled goodbye to everyone as we rushed to the car. He threw his bags in, shut the trunk and locked the car. I couldn't help but smile all through the walk with his hand in mine but after 5-10 minutes, it got a tad too long and suspenceful for me.

"Chris where are going?" I asked. It was already getting slightly dark outside as the sun was close to setting.

"Just a bit longer Charles." He chuckled. We walked for a short while and soon came to a dead end as the trees were over-brimming.

"Chris, where the hell are we?" I laughed.

"Geesh, just a little longer woman." He laughed and pressed on.

"Oh I see. We're going through the trees!' I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and after a couple more minutes of trashing around in the crammed, tree-infested area, we finally arrived to a cliff. It was surprisingly beautiful. There was a little clear area where Chris began to set up and bring multiple items out of a picninc basket hiding behind a tree. I just looked in awe at the most amazing view I'd ever seen. I could hear the sea's distant washes and could sea the waves crashing against the cliff, and the sun, just about to reach the sea's surface. I glanced at Chris to see him smirking. He had prepared a few snacks placed on a number of layered sheets. I giggled as I sat down.

"Mum didn't let me take the actual blanket." He confessed, sitting down comfortably.

"I figured." I chuckled. He handed me a paper plate with a slice of pizza on it.

"Classy, I know." He laughed along with me. After we ate, I sat next to him and placed my head on his chest hearing his steady heartbeat.

"Thanks for this Chris." I smiled as I looked into the sunset again.

"Anything for you Chuckles." He replied, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, I have decided that that name doesn't suit me anymore. I've out-grown it." I said jokingly.

"Oh,you mean call you Chuckles?" he said and smirked mischieivously.

"You're lucky it sounds cute when you say it." I said and smiled sheepishly.

"It sounds cute?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and lightly tickled my sides. I jumped as he tickled me and started to giggle,"Hey! Stop it!"

"Oh,does that tickle Chuckles?" he asked smiling. At this point, I was on the brink of tears and pushed him off in hope to get him to stop tickling me which in turn, worked. I was now laying on top of him. I just stared into his eyes. I knew they were blue but I noticed that they were the purest and brightest blue I'd ever seen. I aslo noticed that his heartbeat quickened. I smirked and kissed him gently on the lips.

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