Woah, Mona Lisa

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The rest of the day pretty much flew by. Lessons were boring... teachers were annoying... Claire and the ...'bigger'... jocks giving us a hard time...well, mostly me actually. I wasn't sure why she made it her mission in life to make mine a living hell but I heard she liked Chris a lot and probably hates me for being his girlfriend. The other jocks didn't really care about that though, they just followed her around like lost puppies. Speaking of whom were apparently surrounding something with slushies in their hands... not good. I swear, this chick gets all her ideas from Glee episodes. I walked up behind them to see Elijah trying to talk his way out of it but was badly failing so I stepped in. He was a good friend. We'd talk in Home Ec. and Physics since we were lab partners.

"Can't you guys ever pick on someone your own size? A kid in a wheel chair? What achievement do you guys get from doing this stupid thing? Oh and very original, stealing bullying ideas from a crap TV Show." 

"Why don't you back off, Walkers." All the others erupted in laughter as Claire smirked.

"Why don't you make me, Smith?" I replied getting some 'oohs' and 'aahs' out of them. 

"Why don't you leave Elijah?" 

"Thanks Charlie" He said in the sweetest voice and hugged me around my waist leaving me to face the music. Honestly, I didn't mind it. I didn't care what they did to me, I'm slushied almost everyday anyway plus it was actually quite refreshing since I got used to it. And just in queue, A purple slushy ended up right on my head. I shook it off my head and just walked off. I'll be just wasting my time anyways. I went to the bathroom and quickly washed it off, putting on my extra shirt which I always had with me for after practice. I looked at my watch and remembered which was my next lesson...drama.

It was finally starting, so we all went to our usual seats but there was a new kid. Well not a kid, he actually looked a little older than me. He had green eyes from what I could tell and brown cropped hair. He was talking to Stefan and since I wanted to talk to him, seeing as he's my friend, I joined the conversation. He was actually really fun. It was also quite obvious that he was gay from his behavior, not that I had a problem with that. I returned to my seat and sat next to Chris where we joked and said stupid things as usual. A fat, hair covered man, otherwise known as Mr Hugh the Drama teacher walked in, putting his bags on the piano as usual and waited for us to settle down. 

"Oh the joy, yet another class with my favourite students..." He droned. I'm quite sure he never makes any lesson plans since we never do anything productive during his lessons. Mara usually sings every lesson since she's theonly one who really cares about drama and 'the arts of entertainment' while we just sat there, joking around and sometimes , even finish some homework. His eyes lit up once he saw an unfamiliar face. "Yay a new student, would like to sing a song for us?" He said in the most unexcited tone I'd ever heard.

"I'd rather sing a duet though." 

"Walkers, sing." I was quite surprised he called me. He probably had no idea what I sounded like and honestly, neither did I.

"Ok, guys which song are you gonna sing?" The AV kid asked. He was in charge of anything and everything to do with laptops, pcs, computer or anything involving a screen really.

"How about 'A Ballad for Mona Lisa?" I suggested. 

"Yeah, I love that song." He replied and the music started. 

She paints her fingers with a close precision 

He starts to notice empty bottles of gin 

And takes a moment to assess the sin 

She's paid for 

A lonely speaker in a conversation 

Her words are spinning through his ears again 

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for 

Say what you mean 

Tell me I'm right 

And let the sun rain down on me 

Give me a sign 

I want to believe 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

You're guaranteed to run this town 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

I'd pay to see you frown 

He senses something, call it desperation 

Another dollar, another day 

And if she had the proper words to say, 

She would tell him 

But she'd have nothing left to sell him 

Say what you mean 

Tell me I'm right 

And let the sun rain down on me 

Give me a sign 

I want to believe 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

You're guaranteed to run this town 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

I'd pay to see you frown 

Mona Lisa, wear me out 

Pleased to please Ya 

Mona Lisa, wear me out 

Say what you mean 

Tell me I'm right 

And let the sun rain down on me 

Give me a sign 

I want to believe 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

You're guaranteed to run this town 

Woah, Mona Lisa, 

I'd pay to see you frown 

Say what you mean 

Tell me I'm right 

And let the sun rain down on me 

Give me a sign 

I want to believe 

There's nothing wrong with just a taste of what you've paid for 

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