Obsessive 13 year olds

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Ugh, yet another day of school. I got out of my bed and went downstairs for breakfast. It was the normal scenario: Will eating breakfast, mum on the phone typing the list of things for her to do that day and dad just about leaving for work. He grabbed his suitcase kissed me and Carole on the cheek, waved to Will and ran out the door. When I finished breakfast I ran up to my room, closed my eyes and shoved in my earbuds and blasted my music on. While "Set the World on Fire" by BVB blasted on, I opened my closet and began debating on what to wear. I finally decided on a black Ramones T-shirt, scarf, hat, pale jeans and a blue jersey. I ran down to the living room where Carole and Will were waiting for me and she drove us to school.... So far, completely uneventful... 

Since I had technically joined the school's basketball team, I began to hang out with Will's crowd too and became super close with our team mates. This fact made me quite popular with some students since not only did I have the team as my friends but also Jenna's group.

"Sup Gerard!" I yelled running towards him, giving him a hug which he gladly returned. 

"There's my fouler!" He replied (It's kinda a long story cause this one time in practice... I accidentally punched him in the face. And even though it barely even hurt him, he still won't let me forget about it.) 

"Still going on with that huh?" I asked walking over to Chris and leaned on the wall next to him. 

The rest of the day pretty much flew by. Lessons were boring... teachers were annoying... and then went to grab some lunch. I got up from my usual lunch table and was making my way to the jocks to talk to the guys for a while, leaving Andria, Jenna and Kat talking about Justin Bieber's hair. 

"How are you guys?" I asked mostly looking at Gerard and sat on Chris' lap. 

"Whoa whoa……you supposed to be with me" I laughed and hugged Gerard. I was really starting to warm up to these guys.I turned around to look at Chris, he looked a little…..I’m not sure…pissed. 

“What’s up with you, Mr. pouty face?” I asked bending forward to get in his face. He looked at me and shrugged. 

A bunch of girls who looked about 14 yeas old came up to us and they looked outraged towards Gerard and I. I didn’t want any girls to think that we were….together, I might get slaughtered since Gerard, my brother and Chris apart from a few other guys of course, were on the top of the girl's drool over list.

Gerard got up and started walking towards them pulling, me along with him. I tried to get away but that proved harder than I thought. 

“Ger, who’s that?” a girl with short black hair asked pointing to me. He looked over to me. 

“My personal stripper” He replied. I looked at him like he was crazy. The girls took him completely seriously. 

"She helps me get loosened up before a game, training is tough you know." He continued. 

“He’s just joking” I explained. 

“You’re lucky” A girl said to me and caught my attention and apparently it caught Gerard’s too. 

“What do you mean?” I asked her. She looked at him. 

“You get to be with him 24/7” She responded. Gerard laughed and looked at me. I rolled my eyes. 

“He’s a pain in the butt after a couple hours” I told her. He squeezed my shoulder 

“Love you too” He joked with me. I smiled. “Want to tell everyone and go to star bucks?” he asked. I shrugged “sure”. 

----------------------------------------- At Star Bucks--------------------------------------------------- 

I slumped back in my seat and put my leg up on the table. 

“Well that’s very lady like Char” Kelly said to me while sipping her coffee.I still had a bit of a problem adjusting to the fact that she was my brother's girlfriend. I shrugged her comment off and slumped back in my chair a little more. 

“You okay?” Chris asked while putting his hand on my knee. For some reason when he touched me it sent a shock throughout my body. I shook my head to get the feeling to subside. 

“Yeah I’m fine” I replied. He smiled at me lightly but kept his hand on my knee and moved his chair closer to mine. 

Jenna eyed my reaction to Chris’ advancement towards me so I tried not to show much emotion in my face. She must have seen something in my eyes though because she gave me this smirk that honestly made me want to smack her. I decided against that, after all she was my best girl friend, and so I just sat there. 

The group of girls had apparently followed us and stood by the door. They were, for some reason, utterly obsessed with the school's Basketball team. Chris sighed and made his way towards the girls. 

“Ger, go say hi to them” I said while pulling on his hand. 

“How about you just sit with me?” He said pulling on my hand in return, causing me to stumble. 

“Stop it!” I said sternly and yanked on his arm. 

“Damn, don’t pull my arm out of the socket!” He complained. 

“Then get your butt up!” I yelled. He looked at me with a smirk and pulled one last time, this time I fell right onto him and he put his arms around my waist to keep me there. Jenna was just looking at me, she probably thought it was funny but I knew she kinda liked Gerard so I was desperately trying to get off. 

“Ger, let me go!” I yelled louder than before and tried to wiggle out of his grip. He just locked his arms around me and laughed. I looked over to Chris and the girls, all giggling at the sight but Chris had this look of….something else, almost like he was invaded on a personal level. 

"Ger, don’t be a Perv!” He said and turned fully towards us. 

I stopped moving and Gerard looked up at him. He let me go and got up, walking towards Chris and the girls. I hesitantly sat in the now vacant seat and looked across the table at Stefan. 

“What was that about?” Jenna asked and leaned to put her elbows on the table. They shrugged, let it go. Jenna looked over to me but I wasn’t looking at her, I was looking at Chris

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