New Town Girl

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        Chapter 5

  That night I went right to bed, my dad came in my room and woke me up, he apologized for not being around so often and noticed my relationship status had changed twice in one night, leave it to dead to have that stuff send to his phone and all my facebook statuses, explains why I never really update my status. He said he had to leave early in the morning again and that he had left supper to be heated in the fridge for when I got home, I explained to him how it was fine because I was going out for supper on a date with my new boyfriend, and explained how I started to fall for another guy, who is my boyfriend now and found out everyone was right about Troy, he was a cheater. I didn't feel like putting in detail on everything, he just hugged me and let me go back to sleep. In the morning I woke up and made some pancakes while getting ready and waiting for Nathaniel. A few minutes later after I was finishing up my pancakes I heard a knock and rushed to the door, opening the door his lips instantly met mine and when he pulled off he said "good morning beautiful, you almost ready?"  I nodded putting my dishes in the sink. I said one second, running upstairs quickly checking my facebook I had notifications, seems my friends seem to like my new relationship status, had some messages saying congratulations and a message from Grace saying , 

Grace; I checked him out, just to notice his relationship status, in a relationship with you eh boo ;). Congrats , he's EXTREMELY good looking, that's Troy's lost, and it's not your fault, Nathaniel kissed you at least you told him the truth and actually pushed back meanwhile he was cheating and lying, but I'm just not going to talk about that because you know, who cares about that fool. You know I'm here for you whenever, love you and will be visiting soon  !" 

I was just about to respond when I realized the time, I turned off my laptop and rushed downstairs to see Nathaniel, he opened the door for me and jumped in the car , turning to me he says "you know you're beautiful, I cannot believe you're my girlfriend. I'm one lucky guy.'' I had so much shit on my mind so I just smiled. I seriously cannot wait though for tonight, our date is going to be amazing, I'm so anxious to find out where he's taking me! We arrived at school, him letting me out walking with our hands entwined with one anothers, after everything going on, I actually felt happy. Like nothing could ruin my day. Walking into class a few people said congrats to us and some just gave me a dirty look because they were obviously jealous. Well, who would blame them? I mean, I'm the new girl and already got the hottest guy in school and most popular. AH , you would think life would be so perfect? .. it's not. Still having everything on my mind and cannot believe how fake Chels has been, like me and her grew up together I would have never expected her to be so fake, but enough with that, I have an amazing date to look forward to and still have to figure out what I'm wearing tonight.

Gym came along and Lily didn't wait up to walk with her to school, she went up to her in the change room asking her what's up because she always waits for her and Lily said , " why should I? You knew I liked Nathaniel then you come along and already have him." 

"Look, he likes me, you didn't act like you cared before, besides I'm going through a lot right now, I don't need this, Lily, you know I'm not trying to hurt you, it's not fair that just because you like him I can't have him, he said he likes me and I said I also liked him and then he asked me out, I wasn't going to say no." 

"Whatever, I'm over reacitng I'm sorry just I get jealous. What's going on anyway? Like what are you going through?"

"Oh, it's nothing.. just old town bullshit, it's whatever." 

  Walking into gym class we were playing dodge ball, I was not looking forward to this, my least favorite sport.. I looked over and seen Nathaniel wave and blow me a kiss, I turned and rushed over to him quickly and gave him a hug and told him I'd meet him after class and he kissed my cheek, guess I could survive dodge ball, I have that handsome man to go see after. I smiled walking back to my team, I noticed Lily was giving me a dirty look, like what the hell, she just apologized, probably another one of my fake friends who I shouldn't trust with many things, oh well. Walking to the cafe to meet up with Nathaniel I couldn't find him, I then felt hands wrap around my eyes, I got so scared then heard someoene whisper in my ear ''guess who'' I snapped out of his arms saying " don't ever do that again, you scared me" & gave him a kiss. He's such a amazing boyfriend, he's so different from Troy, a good different, but cannot deny I'm still upset about Troy, I mean wasting over a year on that dude, ugh. 

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