New Town Girl

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Chapter 69

*4 weeks later*

"Nathaniel get up, I think I'm going into labour , I just went to the washroom and I'm almost certain my water had broken and I'm getting really bad pains!" I said while shaking Nathaniel to get up.

"Are you sure Aubrey?" Nathaniel questioned.

"Of course I am, can you please get up now and bring me." I begged.

"Yes, give me a minute to get dressed, love." Nathaniel responded.

"Okay, I'll meet you in the car." I called out to him.

It was about five minutes until he finally got into the car and the pains had been building up quite a lot actually. Holy, but I know there's no point in saying never again when guaranteed once I see the precious little one I'll end up wanting another one in my future. The hospital is about 15 minutes away, I hadn't woken up Riley or Grace but I surprised they didn't hear me waking up Nathaniel or running down the stairs to get to the car.

*ring ring ring*

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, it's Grace, where'd you go?"

"Sorry I didn't want to wake you or Riley but we're on our way to the hospital, my water broke and I'm in crazy pain right now. "


"I'm sorry just it's 2am so I would've felt bad waking you both up."

"Well Riley is up now and I'll explain what happened and we'll be on our way."

Before she hung up I heard Riley ask in the background what was going on, haha.

We got to the hospital, it only took us 11 minutes and I was put into a wheel chair and brought into a room. The nurse came in and was telling me he had to check how dilated I was so I was asked to go put on the hospital gown they had handed me and I went off to change.    I got back and layed down onto the bed and he checked, he told me I am only 3 cm's dilated and that he was going to sit me into a different room and I would have a monitor type thing around my stomach to monitor my contractions. It felt so uncomfortable, I could tell my baby didn't like it either because he started kicking and pushing it a bit so I asked if they could move it  a bit.  He came back in and was saying the contractions were getting a little strong, as if I didn't feel it like holy. Did they ever hurt.. He then asked me if I would like to get medication to numb me from the pain, I said no because then I can't walk around or nothing and would be stuck laying in a bed for hours so I asked if I could go on a walk around the hospital for the meantime. 

"You sure can, I'll be at the front desk if you decide you would like the medication." The doctor said.

"Okay, thank you." I responded and off I went with Nathaniel to go walk around the hospital some more.

"You know what you should do?" Nathaniel said.

"What?" I said in a tad bit cranky voice because the contractions were really putting me in quite the crabby mood.

"You should go order some spicy noodles downstairs in the big cafeteria and then job up and down the stairs." he responded.

"Oh, that's actually a good idea. You're paying though, you came up with the idea." I said smirking and laughing at him.

"Sounds good to me." said Nathaniel.

**2 hours later.*

"I've only been here for an hour and a half and I already feel like I've been here forever." Riley said.

"Oh stop complaining, it'll be worth it in the end when Aubrey's baby comes along." Grace responded.

"Good point." Riley said.

"In the mean time, any of you guys hungry or thirsty?" Nathaniel asked.

"Quit offering up our money you little poohead." I said to Nathaniel.

"Well I'm sure they rather be sleeping right now." Nathaniel responded.

"Then they would be sleeping." I responded in a rude tone getting annoyed now.

"Okay, sorry." He said looking away.

   I knew what I said was rude and all, like the way I had responded but I couldn't help it, I was exhausted and having contractions what could he really expect. My pains started getting really bad and my doctor had called me in to check how dilated I would be now.

"You are now 5 cm's dilated, a couple more hours to go." the doctor responded.

"Only 2 cm's, holy it's already been two hours." I responded.

"It'll take a bit, I'm taking it as this is your first?" he responded.

"Yes, yes it is." I responded in a cranky tone.

"Aubrey, it's going to be fine, let's just go on another walk." Nathaniel said.

Authors note : sorry for late update, I've been busy with school lately. Hopefully you guys don't hate me for it :( . Next chapter you'll find out babies name and what will all happen. I will make sure the baby comes next chapter.

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