New Town Girl

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         Chapter 13

Recieving another text, I didn't even want to pull my phone out of my pocket, continuing on walking to class not even bothering to read my text. Lunch was terrible too. I drove home to eat because I had so much on my mind. Meeting up with Lily and sitting next to her in class, I rubbed her back and told her,

''You know Lily, you're a beautiful girl, everything will be fine, I know so. You're a strong, independant girl who can look after herself and definitely a baby and you will have people supporting you, including me. There's still many months to go, you never knw what a happen, for all you know Logan can come back.'' 

'' Thanks for that Aubrey, you're a good friend.''

Remembering I had a text I finally took out my phone near the end of class, it was Nathaniel, wow so this whole time ignoring it it actually ended up being the person I wanted it to be, just my luck.

Nathaniel; sorry babe, last night was super tired so went to bed and had a family emergancy earlier, my mom went into the hospital at about 7am so I couldn't make it to school. 

''You could have at least messaged me letting me know, I was looking for you this morning..''

He started responding quickly, ''I'm sorry, I didn't really think of it.''

''Didn't think of what? Your girlfriend''

''babe, you have to understand, it was an emergancy, I had to focus on my mother.''

''OK, well I'm going to next class and I have to really focus, ttyl'

''ok, love you''

Reading it but too annoyed to respond at this point I walked to my next class, Stephanie was sitting in her regular seat and I went to the seat next to her and sat down. Getting started on work Stephanie said "you know , we should hangout sometime, I mean like we talk and see each other in class but well, I was thinking we should hang outside of school sometime.''

''Yeah definitely, text me sometime.'' I wrote down my number and handed it to her telling her to text me so I could save her number and we could plan something out sometime. 

Class finally ended, rushing out to door to meet Grace in the driveway I turned so see Nathaniel standing beside my car, I ran rushing to give him a hug, jumping on him I kissed him.

''Sorry for being moody while texting you, I missed you at school today!''

'' I missed you too, and don't worry. It's my fault for not letting you know earlier what was going on, who did you hangout with at lunch?''

''Well, I didn't really want to sit at the group table without you, and I had a lot on my mind so I decided to go home for lunch.''

'' Oh okay babe, I'll be definitely there tomorrow. To make up for it I'll take you out for icecream, and we can hangout for a bit but then I seriously have to get going back to the hospital babe, I wanted to make up for not being there at school.''

'' Sounds good.''

Grace came up behind us holding hands with Riley , ''hello love birds'' she called out.

Turning around, "hey guys, me and Nathaniel were going to go out for icecream than hangout for a bit. Care to join us?'' I asked.

'' No , it's fine. Me and Riley were going to go out to the beach before it starts getting cold and then we were going to head out to get something to eat, then I'll be back to your place.'' Said Grace.

''Okay, well how about this, Grace you take my car and I'll go with Nathaniel in his car.'' 

She nodded agreeing with my plan and then I handed her my key telling her to be careful and then climbed into Nathaniel's car. 

"I want sorbet icecream.''

''Why? That's for people on diets, you're so thin and perfect.''

'' Kiss up, I just always liked sorbet icecream.''

'' Love you''

''I love you'' I responded as we made out order. 

We got our ice cream then made our way to a table to sit at. I seen a few people I recognized from school who were giving dirty looks, well whatever, I'm new and dating the most popular guy, guess it's understandable.

Heading to his place we went up to his bedroom, no one was home so I guess you can already know what was going to happen. Cuddling watching television he started to rub up on me, teasing me. His way of showing he wants me. I pushed him against him with my butt showing him I'm ready too. We got into it, me moaning quite loud because no one was home when the door knobbed turned ... walking in was his sister, how awkward.. I am so embarassed, we pulled the covers over ourselves, like that was going to hide the fact we're caught. She walked out probably regretting even walkng in in the first place, I put my clothing back on and told him I would see him tomorrow because I was really embarassed. He drove me home and then kissed me. I asked if he wanted to come in for a bit but he said he had to rush off to see his mother. 

"Wish her the best of luck for me , love you .''

''will do, I love you'' he asked as he walked back off to his car and drove off.  I dove onto my bed and took a nap because Grace probably wouldn't be home for another couple of hours.

''Troy stop, leave me alone, please stop.. TROY '' '' shut up babe , you like it'' ''no Troy, please stop. please, I don't like it'' '' shut up bitch, shut up. You hurt me, you left me, you fell for him so easily, you never loved me'' ''Troy don't say that, you hurt me .. okay I had a crush on him but so many people had said stuff'' *slap* right to the face I flew to the floor crying. 

''Aubrey Aubrey , get up wake up you lazy butt.'' 

Waking up, sweating and breathing heavy I looked up to Grace, ''Oh my goodness it was just a dream, THANK GOODNESS, it was just a dream, all a dream. I looked to my phone and had 4 messages and 3 missed calls. 

"Aubrey, what are you talking about ?'' Grace asked.

''I had the craziest, most scary dream.. and Troy was in it..'' I told her.

''Don't worry hun, it was all a dream.'' 

Turning back to my phone I noticed the three missed calls were from Grace."Grace, you called me?'' ''Yeah, I wanted to let you know I was on my way.'' ''Oh okay, sorry. Dozed off if that wasn't obvious.''  ''I also texted you once, well I texted you at first and then when you wouldn't respond I called you.''  Putting my phone down I turned asking Grace how her night went.

"It was amazing, the beach was perfect and fun and then supper was just delicious, how about your night?''

''Oh goodness, I have something so embarassing to tell you, but besides the most embarassing part, it was good.''

'' Spill now ! And don't leave ANY detail out ''

'' OK well, we got back to his house after eating icecream and no one was home so we went up to his bedroom and started watching televison, he started leading me on so we undressed and you can already guess what happened next, not hearing the door open or anyone walk up the stairs or anything we got more into it, meaning I got louder, until his sister walked in, we had no idea anyone was home, do you understand how embarrasing that it? She walked out right after walking in, of course she knew what we were doing, no way of hiding it. I put my clothing back on and Nathaniel drove me home.'' 

'' Oh my goodness, that's so embarassing'' Grace said while laughing her ass off.

''Hey, remember I've known you for a long time, tell anyone and just remember I got many things against you, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about too. " I said winking and laughing at her.

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