New Town Girl

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                        Chapter 50

''Well, I've talked to my mom about it and she's okay with it.'' Grace said.

''Well, I'm glad that went well and the talk with Riley convincing him.'' I said.

''Yeah, his family wasn't as easy.'' Grace said.

''But they are considering it, right?'' I asked.

''Well, Riley is definitely. They don't think they need to go anywhere because no one is bothering them and they don't feel like they're in any kind of danger and think he's being over dramatic.'' Grace said.

''Oh, well he can visit them whenever and they can always come down.'' I said.

''Yeah, I was just hoping they'd understand that Riley is trying to keep them safe, although they got Riley thinking they're safe and everything so Riley is fine. They did promise Riley they'd put up that security code thing for their house and everything and we all know the cops will be making sure that house is fine knowing it could be the person who's doing all this, next victim.'' Grace said.

''Oh okay, well me and Nathaniel are going to check out our house today and everything and planning the move, care to join and then we can check out yours?'' I asked.

''Yeah, sounds good. I'll go tell Riley the plans.'' Grace said walking out of the room.

Nathaniel came in minutes later. 

''You almost ready?'' He asked.

''Yeah, just waiting for Riley and Grace. They're going to come check it out with us then we're going to check out theirs.'' I said.

After 15 minutes we all got into Nathaniel's car and headed off down the road. We arrived 2 and a half hours later. Good thing Grace and Riley decided to come because I really wanted them to see our new house and theirs too and didn't want to have to make two trips considering it was quite long actually.

''Can we stop on the way back for subway? I'm absolutely starving.'' I asked Nathaniel.

''Fine by me babe.'' Nathaniel responded.

''Sounds just amazing to me'' Grace said.

''I've been craving that so much oh my goodness.'' Riley said.

''Guess we all agree on subway, yay!'' I said.

    Oh my goodness, I thought to myself. This house is absolutely gorgeous. It has the most amazing bathroom. The walls are going to look so good after we paint them too. The bathtub is amazing and there's the shower piece that you can take off the hook and do your hair while taking a bath you can just sit without having to take a shower after bath to finish washing off hair. We headed to the bedrooms. One master room, huge actually with a walk in closet and a balcony in the room. Oh goodness this house is just so amazing and so much room. Walking into the next room it was actually pretty big for the ''small'' room. Looked like a master room in all my old houses I've had, and I've moved around .. A LOT. Walking downstairs for the living room because we started upstairs first instead because I was just so excited to do the plotting of the bedrooms. The master room for me and Nathan of course, painting the walls a nice red color and black around the door frame with little black cheetah prints on the red wall. The bathroom will be zebra, black and white of course and our sons walls will be painted lime green with little trucks and what not all around until he grows up then we'll obviously be choosing what to paint in then, but that's still a long ways away. It's been nice just getting away from everything and not reading the notes anymore considering the cops were just recieving them and we would not open one at all it really helps take a lot off my mind, especially with all the planning it was going to really help take a lot off my mind. The living room was so nice, I wanted the living room and hallways to be the same color, a nice brown with white around the edges at the bottom and what not and then the kitchen to be the same. There was so much space in the living room, it was beautiful. I just imaged everything in there already oh goodness this was going to be great. All the securities devices were set up too. Walking into the kitchen it had a little window thing with a window ledge so I could look into the living room and hand food from there. There was a room across the kitchen where we would put our dinning table and have everything set up. It was going to be perfect. We walked downstairs to see a huge amazing hot tub, it's beautiful. Looking outside we had a pool with a baby end. It was so perfect, and another little hot tub out there with a lid over top. I am going to put a fence around the pool though so when my kid gets older he wont fall in and drowned or anything. I just could not wait to move after looking at all this and having everything already planned out.

''This is seriously just amazing Nathaniel, I love it. I love it a lot. When are we going to be bringing our stuff into here?'' I asked Nathaniel.

''I was thinking we would start bringing stuff into the moving truck tomorrow and have some stuff already start coming. I want it to have everything in here by the end of this weekend so we have 4 days.'' Nathaniel said.

''Eh, that seems OK. Guess we got to finish everything tonight. Shouldn't be hard considering almost everything is packed up.'' I said.

''Exactly, well let's head off to their house then head back, we've got a long week a head of us and I'm sure they're dying to see their house.'' Nathaniel said.

''You bet we are, especially after seeing your amazing house oh my goodness. Ours isn't as expiensive so we know it wont be as fancy but hopefully it's something close.'' Grace said.

     We arrived there within the next 10 minutes, would've been two if we headed off right away considering she was our neighbor so all we had to do was get our shoes back on, but we had to sign some papers and everything for the house. We walked in and I couldn't help but feel bad that how amazing my house was compared to theirs. Theirs isn't as nice, it looks quite small actually. We looked in the bathroom, a normal sized bath but they had the shower piece you could take off and wash your hair off while taking a bath instead of having to then get up and switch to a shower. Their master room didn't have a balcony but they had a decent sized walk in closet. Not  as big as ours, but still nice. Everything else seemed pretty nice, not as big as ours and no hot tubs or pools but still nice. Their living room was pretty big though also and they can always just buy a hottub for their house and a pool.

** ''We're finally home, let's get started on packing now.'' I said to Nathaniel.

''Yeah, I'll do most of it just lay down.'' Nathaniel said.

''You sure? And thanks for buying all of us subway, it was delicious.'' I said.

''Yeah no problem, go get some rest and it was no big deal, you're welcome babe. Love you'' He said while kissing my forehead.

''OK, goodnight babe. Wake me up if you need any help.'' I said.


Authors note; so you now know everyone is moving and agreed on it, except Riley's family because they don't feel the need to move, you also got to find out about Aubrey and Nathaniel's new house with a lot of detail and got to hear about Grace and Riley's. Next chapter might be a few months forward just to speed up this book. :)

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