New Town Girl

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                     Chapter 47

 ***next afternoon.**

 ''I've got to call to check if the house is still available.'' Riley said.

''Alright, put it on speaker I want to hear.'' I said.

''Yeah, what she said!'' Grace said all jumpy and happy. You could really tell she was excited to find out and be moving out with Riley.


Three rings later they picked up.

''Hello, you're calling about my house for sale I assume?'' said a friendly sounding old man on the other line. ''Yes, yes I am. I was wondering if it was still available?'' 

Riley answered. ''Yes, it is. Were you trying to find a date to come check it out or have you already?'' ''Nope, I'm a new caller. I was wondering if I could stop by and check it out, which day are you good?'' ''Well, there's been a few looking, I should be good tomorrow afternoon, if any changes which number could I reach you at?'' ''This one I'm calling from, and also oh. My friend is moving in the house next door so I was really hoping to get that house because it's a few hours away so it would be easier to live beside each other and because he's expecting his kid soon so we wanted to be neighbors.'' ''Oh, say no more. Come by, if you like it, it's yours.'' ''Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow around 12:30, goodbye.''

''OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS, I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY.'' Grace shouted out prancing around.

''Grace, quiet down. Nathaniel's sisters are still sleeping and his mom, but yes I'm so freaking happy too.'' I said.

''Oh sorry, and oh yeah forgot they came home last night.'' Grace said.

''It's fine.'' I said, I was about to go on talking to Grace but then Nathaniel interupted saying, ''Aubrey start packing.'' 

''Why so soon?'' I asked.

''We're moving in a couple weeks it turns out. By a couple I mean maximum to weeks.'' Nathaniel said.

''Oh my goodness, that's so soon. '' I said kind of panicing.

''It'll be fine babe, I'll help. My moms packing everything already too with my sisters starting in the basement and working their way up.'' Nathaniel said.

''Oh, okay. Well, Grace want to help?'' I asked looking up with my best pouty face towards her.

''Uh, I don't think that'll be a good idea, I think she might want to start packing now too considering she basically has a guarantee on the house if she likes it and needs to talk to her parents and everything about it.'' Nathaniel said.

''Oh goodness, don't even want to go through that. I can't imagine what her reaction is going to be.'' Grace said.

''Your mom is understanding, but I know what you mean considering she's a single mom, losing you who does everything for her will be a big thing but she can visit all the time.'' I said.

''Yeah, I know. It'll just be hard considering I'm so used to always being with her, anyways I'm going to head back to go talk to my mom, Riley you should do the same.'' Grace told Riley.

''So, Chels.. Looks like it's just you now.'' I said giving her a wink and laughing.

''Oh fine, i'll help, but only because I'm going to be an aunt to your gorgeous baby.'' Chelsea said.


''Hello?'' I answered. ''Hh-hey'' a voice stuttering to talk , I could just tell it was Grace. ''What's wrong Grace?'' ''It's my mom.'' She responded. ''What about her?'' I asked. ''She's in the hospital, she got stabbed in the living room apparently, I can't move, I can't leave my mom.'' She said bursting into tears to the point I could hardly understand what she was saying. ''WHAT? Oh my fucking goodness, you should make her move in with you?'' I said.

''You said it was good security and everything right?'' she asked. ''Yes'' ''Actually, nevermind.. I can't move with her, especially when my boyfriend will be living with us, that would be too awkward. I don't want to put this on her, especially now considering her work is down here and to add on she's in the freaking hospital.'' ''Grace, it's going to be okay I promise we'll figure things out soon. When can we visit?'' I asked. ''Uhm, they're going to call and let me know and then i'll get back to you.'' ''Okay, well  text me and call me immediately when we can go down and visit.'' I said. ''Oh okay, bye.'' 

I hung up the phone and immediately bursted into tears, I couldn't help but think it was all my fault. I didn't want to assign faults on the phone knowing she was already upset and going through a lot, I just really hope her mom's okay, she's like a second mom to me oh my goodness. I can already feel how she's feeling considering I've been going through all that stuff lately. I didn't even want to continue packing even though I know I have a dead line for it which is really soon, but with everything going on I don't even care, I just have to know she's going to be okay and see her and be there for Grace. 


Authors note; well they found out they were guaranteed the house, too bad that drama with the mama just happened ;). Will they move and will the mom be okay? Is it the same person who's stalking Aubrey and ruining her life? Read next chapter when published to find out.<3

P.S, thank you for all the reads! :) Makes me SOOO happy. I always check them every day :)

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