New Town Girl

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Chapter 24

''So here's the plan, we're gonna stay up all night, we're gonna go in the living room when we see the person going near the car and when they're about to put down the remote we'll jump out and beat the crap out of the person until they're unconscious and then take off their mask." Nathaniel said.

"I guess that's a good plan." I commented.

"Good plan? are you kidding me. I'm so scared!"Grace said.

"Okay you can do look out and me and Nathaniel will go get the person and beat the shit out of them since you're so chicken." I said to Grace.

"I'm not chicken, it's just .. Aubs you know I don't like fighting."

"Well you don't have to." Nathaniel said.

This plan better work, I'm going to be guaranteed thinking of a better plan tonight just incase there might just be an easier way of catching this creep. For now I'm just going to leave the notes under my windshield and read and put back to confuse the person so he starts to think I've stopped paying attention to him or something.

A few days later .

"Nathaniel, get up it's time to go get my ultrasound babe!" I called out to Nathaniel who was sleeping ever so peacefully. I was having second thoughts of even waking him up because he looked so cute and peaceful.

"Okay, go take a shower. I'll be getting up and ready." he said, wiping the sleepies from his eyes and stretched out.

Heading to the shower I could not stop thinking of what note this person had written today or what he would possibly have meant about my father. I'm not going to read it until after the ultrasound that way I don't seem all stressed out and everything.

Jumping out of the shower and wrapping my body in a towel and then my other towel wrapped around my head drying my hair. I quickly put on some light make up and headed to the room putting on my outfit and letting my hair down, coming through it quickly we rushed downstairs. I had to drink so much water for this ultrasound I felt so bloated.

"Hello, Aubrey Gordon. I'm here for my appointment."

"Yes, sit down and your doctor should call you in within the next few minutes."

Heading to the seats with Nathaniel all excited, I mean I know I won't know what my baby looks like really because it'll be hard to figure out anything but at least ill find out if it's healthy. I can't wait to book my next appointment to figure out the gender and see what he or she is looking like.

"Aubrey Gordon ?"

Getting up with Nathaniel we followed him into a room. I already knew what was going to happen because I had recently gone to Lily's ultrasound.

"Your baby is healthy and growing just fine. You can make your following appointment up at the front desk so you can find out the gender next time!" the doctor said to us.

Wiping the gel off my stomach I got up pulling my shirt back down. I hadn't really gotten a baby bump yet thankfully so no one at school is talking shit yet. I haven't seen Lily at school yesterday but I know she's starting to get a belly. It won't be long before people start questioning me and rumors get spreading. I was so worried with all the thoughts of the judgements that I had completely forgotten about that weird man until me and Nathaniel walked out to our car after making my next appointment for my ultrasound the note was there, but this time there was another one. Before getting into that I took out my phone leaving a reminder to contact my family doctor about being pregnant so they can start doing the needles and everything, although I hate needles I guess I'll have to deal with them.

"We'll read the notes when we get back home babe." I said to Nathaniel.

He had a very angry look on his face so I asked, "what's wrong?"

"It's just bugging me how the person knew we were here and just left another note meaning he has to be around here somewhere or for all we know he could he watching us right now." Said Nathaniel.

"Never really thought of that actually, well lets get going babe, I'm starving and I'm sure you are too."

Heading down the street I turned into Tim hortons , Nathaniel and I ordered a bagel and Tim bits and a peppermint tea for each of us. We sat down in the chairs and ate. To break the silence I then asked, "what do you think the gender will be?"

"I'm hoping boy so I can play sports with him when he grows up and can have that father son bond." Nathaniel responded smiling.

Happy that he finally smiled I continued on,

"Well I'm hoping it's a girl so I can take her shopping, get our nails done together and all that stuff."

"That'd be no fun for me."

"Oh shut up, we need to worry about now though, where are we going to live, how we're going to get all the baby's stuff and room ready intime."

"Well, my uncle is starting me working tomorrow and I'm already searching for houses online. Don't worry about it babe, stressing isn't good. I promise to have it all under control and everything ready for when our amazing baby comes."

Smiling with his reassurance that everything was going to be alright and our baby would have everything ready in time I could finally start to relax a little bit. I told Nathaniel I didn't want to read the letters just yet because it would only stress me more and he agreed.

Hours later

"Baby, come down and look on the news now!!" I called while trying to hold in my tears."


What do you think the upsetting news was on the news that Aubrey was almost crying about?

Next update you'll find out ;) btw, thanks for the reads ! & about their plan going into action, it will be done not this coming chapter but the chapter after.

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