New Town Girl

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                          Chapter 45

''Morning guys.'' Grace said jumping on the bed just below our feet. She's always been quite the morning girl.

''OH, Grace.. You don't look so well.'' Grace said looking at me.

''Yeah, had a bad night. Everyone else sleeping?'' I asked.

''Yes, they stayed up late watching more movies, and oh hun how come you had a bad night?'' Grace asked hugging me.

''Oh, it's really nothing. Listen, when we get downstairs with everyone up and ready for breakfast I'll explain.'' I said.

''How about we both go make breakfast for everyone and then wake up everyone when it's ready if they don't already wake up before and you can explain things to me and then the rest when they wake.'' Grace said.

''Sounds good, well I'll be down in a second.'' I said.

Heading downstairs I was trying to find the exact words I could say to explain everything going on. I really didn't want to hurt Grace or find out she can't come along, which would only hurt me terribly. I know she has her mom down here and that would be wrong of me to take her from her mother. I know how it feels being without a mother and having no family around to be there for her, although I'm like her family and she's like mine, which she happens to be all I really have left of my past to remember.

''So, what did you want to talk about?'' Grace asked while getting out the bacon.

''Well, it's going to be hard to explain and could be hard for you to hear.'' I explained taking out some eggs while Nathaniel got the bread out.

''I'm very understanding and you can tell me anything, you know that.'' Grace said.  Her reassurance was always great.

''Well, Nathaniel was talking to me last night about something, well .. moving ..'' I said.

''Oh my goodness, where?'' Grace said.

''A couple hours away from here.'' I said.

''You're leaving again, I just got here.'' Grace said with a frown but trying to force a smile you could tell.

''Well, here's the thing .. there's three houses for sale in the same neighborhood, you were talking about moving out remember?'' I said.

''Oh my goodness, go on.'' Grace said turning her frown to a smile now.

''Well, they're quite expensive and a big move but it's really secure there and apparently very nice according to Nathaniel and if Riley would be willing you guys could move down there and Nathaniel's mom is moving down in the same neighborhood, there's two houses side by side and I was thinking you could move in that one and Nathaniel's mom could move in the one down the street so his sisters and mom could live close and visit whenever they wanted.'' I said.

''I'll talk to him.'' She said.

 I really hope he says yes, I don't think I can go another move without her. 


''BREAKFAST IS READY, WAKE THE HECK UP GUYS.'' Nathaniel yelled up the stairs.

Everyone came downstairs looking so exhausted.

''Well goodmorning sleepy heads.'' I said laughing at them.

 I looked over at Grace and she knew she'd have to be talking to Riley after breakfast. 

''Hurry up and eat Riles, I got to talk to you.'' She said smiling.  I could really tell she was down for the move which makes me feel a whole lot confident.


Authors Note; So do you think Riley will agree? It's great Grace is being so open minded about it and actually looking really like she's considering it and actually excited for it which must make Aubrey feel so much better about it obviously. Stick around to find out if RIley will say yes in the next chapter :)

So it was a quicker update because I just recently posted my other chapter but I was working on it last night on my laptop which I'm on now, and is why it was so much faster, but my internet wasn't working properly so I did it in my note pad and then finished chapter 44 and then started up 45 and just completed as you have just read haha.

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