New Town Girl

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                Chapter 16

  "THAT'S SO EXCITING OH MY GOODNESS, who knows? am I the first besides Nathaniel? I mean it's okay if I'm not, but am I ? I cannot wait to be a god mother. It shall call me it's auntie also. I have to go shopping, can I throw the baby shower?'' 

"Grace, calm down. Yes you're first, besides Nathaniel. I haven't even figured out anything right now, I don't even know how I'm going to tell my father.'' My eyes started tearing up and Nathaniel rubbed my back telling me it was going to be okay.

"Sorry, just you know how excited I get with things, and yeah it's going to be hard but maybe your dad wont freak, who knows.'' Grace responded.

I don't even know, I just am so tired right now and sick too much on my mind, I think I'll tell him in the morning. 

20 minutes later of us just sitting down in the living room watching television my father walks in the door, "Aubrey, I'd like to speak to you in the kitchen please.'' My dad called out. I felt so much butterflies just fluttering through my stomach at this point, does he know? how can he know, I had only told Nathaniel and Grace. Walking into the kitchen scared out of my mind I managed to spit out , " what is it dad?''

''Well, I know you haven't met your well, soon to be step mother yet.. I know it's wrong of me not to tell you, I just wanted to see where things were going so far, you know how I am Aubrey, well she just found out she's pregnant, you're going to have a step sister.'' 

''Oh , that's nice. Well, am I going to meet her anytime soon?'' I asked.

" Yes, definitely. I was wondering if you could spare one night of your busy life to go out to dinner with me and her?'' 

''Yes, that sounds good, just let me know a day.'' 

''You don't seem so happy today, what's going on?''

Realizing I should tell him know considering we're alone and talking it would be the right time although nothing felt like the right time, I didn't even want to tell him.. building up all the courage I had I said , "dad, there's something I got to tell you but please don't get mad.. promise?'' 

''Uh, what is it?'' 

''Promise?'' I asked giving him my dead serious look.

''Yes, promise.''

''OK, well just remember you promised, well.. I'm pregnant, I went to the doctors and found out today.''


''Dad, you promised, or is that promise just like the last one of us staying in Chester..''

'' Don't start Aubrey, you like it better here anyway.''

''Not like you would know, you're never around''

''Aubrey, you know I have a job.''

''and a girlfriend you never told me about, or should I say ''step mother'', yeah cancel that dinner plan, I'm so not going if you can just come tell me I'm having a step sister soon, not even introduce me to my soon to be step mother but have the nerve to yell at me after promising.''

Heading for the door Nathaniel and Grace followed me .


''STOP TREATING ME LIKE I'M A BABY, I'M 18 FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.'' Bursting into tears I ran for my car taking off out of the drive way, I just needed some air. I just cannot believe how unreasonable he's being, and how every promise ends up meaning nothing. Turning off my phone so he can't call me I headed down the street, not even sure where I'm going, just wanting to get stuff off my mind. Looking in my mirror I seen Grace's car and Nathaniel's following me, they were always such loyal, amazing people who I could always count on.

 Pulling into the parking lot of Tim Hortons to get some tea to calm down, Nathaniel came behind me and paid, always the gentlemen. Grace ordered her Iced cap, no surprise. She always loved those things haha. Heading into a seat at the back Nathaniel wrapped his arms around me and sat next to me, Grace joined us after collecting her iced cap. 

"You know you didn't have to pay, I have my money '' I said to Nathaniel.

''You're going through a lot right now Aubrey, besides I like paying stuff for you.''

''Well , thank you. And thanks to both of you, for being great friends, I don't know what I'd do without you guys.''

''Friends?'' Grace made a face.

'' You know what I mean, best friend and boyfriend.''

''That's better '' Nathaniel and Grace both called out at the same time. 

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