New Town Girl

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Chapter 40

''You are having a boy.'' The doctor said, I looked at Nathaniel smiling my face off.

''We have so much work to do, name picking, and finding a house, making his room perfect and everything, I'm so excited for all the shopping and everything.'' I said, feeling an adrenaline rush going through me.

''Exciting but a lot of work babe, but it'll all we worth it.'' He said kissing my forehead.

''Nathaniel, I've got to meet up with my friend Chelsea, and tonight deciding whether to read the rest of my inboxes, I'm going to head out now but I'll meet you at home in about two hours.'' I said kissing him and walking towards my car.

''Ok, text me when you get to her so I know you're okay. What about Grace?'' He asked.

''She's gone to hangout with Riley but I'm not sure when she's heading back to your place, why don't you message Riley asking what they're up to?'' I said heading into my car.

I drove off and then arrivied jumping out of my car when I seen Chelsea, ''CHELSEA OMG, I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH AND WE HAVE SO MUCH TO CATCH UP ABOUT. I trust you so remember you cannot tell anyone anything, when the time is right I'll explain to the rest, but I can't even imagine if it got to Mike how much it would be spread around, no offense to him or anything.''

''Hey, and definitely wont tell anyone, it's got to be very big to not be able to tell though.''

''It is trust me, I have only told Grace and Nathaniel. Well, and the police.''


''Well, there's something falling me, it started with calls and then the calls stopped, oh and text messages and now it's letters. I wouldn't be surprised if the person is watching us right now actually.''

She gave me the look as if I was being over dramatic.

''Oh, are you sure it's not just some prank?'' She asked.

I knew she had thought I was being over dramatic as if I was just losing my marbles, but it definitely wasn't which after I explain to her in more detail she will understand.

''I don't think a prank can lead to my fathers death, almost my boyfriends and graces boyfriend's death. '' I said.

"Oh my goodness, how come I was unaware of this ? & Grace has a boyfriend oh my goodness, aw."

"Guess news here doesn't go out there, but don't go telling anyone down there I don't want a whole scene please. I can't explain much nor do I feel like it. I just want to go shopping for my baby right now."

"Well don't get a lot because at the baby shower people will be bringing a whole bunch of stuff and then whatever you don't get there get."

"Oh, smart thinking." I said happy to get off the other converstion.

I didn't feel like telling her how me and my dad were fighting and about his pregnant girlfriend who he was supposed to marry. I didn't even want to think about how he died and probably thinks I hate him.

"Oh shit, I forgot to call Nathaniel and he's probably worried. one second."

"sorry I'm just calling now, I got caught up with Chelsea haven't seen her in a while, you know."

"Don't ever not call again babe, I was worried, check your messages."                                                       ''You know I didn't mean to worry you, but ok I'll check my messages.''


Authors Note; sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been busy and been very sick :( I'll be starting up my next chapter right now :)

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