New Town Girl

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                  Chapter 12

  Heading into class after driving with Grace to school I couldn't find Nathaniel anywhere, his car wasn't in the parking lot or anything. Getting worried from not even having a text from him I pulled out my phone and texted him, ''hey babe, where are you? You never told me you were going to school so maybe you're still sleeping, come to school :( ''

I put my phone back in my pocket and put it on vibrate that way I wouldn't get introuble for it going off if it does, and so I could still know when I got a message. 

Class felt long without Nathaniel, maybe he is sick or something, but usually he would text me before bed, so much things rushing through my mind and this point I didn't know what to think. Hoping for the best and trying not to think of the worst. I looked pretty tired so maybe he thought if he messaged me he would make me want to stay awake and force myself to stay up or something. He was with Riley so if anything bad happened Riley would've messaged me anyway, ugh why do I always have to think so negatively.  Stopping me from just thinking of such bad things that could have happened, Lily walked in, she sat in the seat she always sits in, I called her over to sit with me and she just turned her head back around as if I never even spoke to her. After class had ended I rushed up to her going to see what was wrong. Chasing her down the hallway to our next class I grabbed her wrist snapping her around my way. 

''What's up Lily, you ignored me in class and now seem to be avoiding me?''

''Avoiding? we have the same classes, that would be a little hard don't you think?''

'' Lily, come on speak to me, you know you can trust me with anything.''

''OK, you're right. Well, you know how I'm pregnant with Logan and all, Logan is calling me a slut saying it's not his kid and that I'm just making up shit for attention. I told him once I get the altrasound I could prove it and he said I was just saying it was him because I caught feelings.'' 

''What a fucking jerk, he's the only one you did stuff with that night, right?''

''Yeah of course, I know for sure it's him, like I'll even get a test when the baby comes along.''

''I believe you, don't you worry. Is that all on your mind?''

''No, well I'm just so upset, he wants me to abort the kid if there is one and if it is his, he clearly knows it's his he just doesn't want to admit it, it just sucks that guys could be so careless and knock a girl up and just leave like seriously, I'm expected to raise a baby on my own?''

''I'm here for you a hundred percent, who knows he might come around, although after what he had said to you he doesn't even deserve to be the father, you'll be a wonderful mom and he will regret not owning up to what he's done and feel like a complete jerk.''

''I just want my baby to have a father .. my dad left me when I was just born, I don't want him or her having to go through that, it's terrible and then me also having to go through what my mom did, just great.''

My phone went off, REALLY hoping it was Nathaniel.. got my hopes up for nothing, it was the unknown number again, what the hell does this person want. '':(, baby come on, I wont hurt you ;)''

Seriously I'm tired of this bullshit, why couldn't it just be Nathaniel, ugh. I'm changing my number tonight.

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